King's Landing — Iron Gate...
Riding atop Drogon's back, Daenerys—wide-eyed and fighting a frantic energy—continued having her dragon unleashing torrents of flame across the ground – engulfing much of the royal forces either fighting Dothraki and Unsullied or avoiding to flee the chaos, laying waste to any aspects in her path. With the scorpions and other long-range artillery along the parapets disabled, she needn't worry about any distractions or threats posing to her or Drogon.
Hours had passed. Yet despite it snowing, the blood of the sun pierce through the heavy, thick clouds and grey skies as if were set on fire.
"Dracarys! (Dragonfire!)"
Drogon unleashes more powerful streams of flame, decimating the surrounding lands near the ruined city gates and consuming both soldier and militiamen of the royal forces alike. Just beyond, innocents within the city witness the fighting grow increasingly closer and flee as quickly as they can—screaming and panicking. Drogon turns sideways to make another pass, constantly spewing his deadly torrent of flame. Inside King's Landing, buildings and the surrounding structures alike that remained ablaze with wildfire collapse.
Despite the fate of the Seven Kingdoms hanging in the balance, the battle wages on and the military defense of the city continues to mount. Mercy or ruthlessness... these notions had no sway within such a pivotal moment. On the ground, Grey Worm breathes deeply, cold relentlessness in his eyes as he engaged with Brienne in a fight. As they did so, Olyvar continued to do battle with Jaehaegon—clashing steel against each other. One by one, bells rung loudly throughout King's Landing—not indicating surrender, but instead meant to act as a rallying cry for the city's defenders/saviors.
"*Raaaaaaaaaaarh!*" Drogon roared.
Daenerys, as a commander, observed the battlefield below. Still they resist, still they fight with such vigor. The aura of defiance, she studied. The Dragon Queen landed in Westeros to retake the Iron Throne and be a leader she promised she would be; but the longer the war waged on, the losses continued to mount, the more Daenerys slowly came to realize the cold, unfortunate truth: the people hate her. She was deeply loved and admired across the Narrow Sea in Essos by former slaves she freed, but here in Westeros? It was the opposite. I don't have love here. I only have fear, she realized. No one loved her, no one supported her. She was both hated and despised. Despite her contribution against the Night King's undead army at Winterfell, she now understood the Westerosi people's coldness and lack of love towards her. To them, Daenerys will always be portrayed as an evil, foreign invader and her rival claimant Daveth Baratheon will always be their beloved monarch. And the recent revelation that Jon Snow's real name is Aegon Targaryen, last surviving son of her eldest brother Prince Rhaegar, his claim to the throne is much stronger than hers – despite him abdicating his position. You lied to me, Viserys. Illyrio. Connington. All of you lied to me! You left me with nothing!
"You weren't made to sit on a chair in a palace," she vaguely remembers Daario Naharis's words. "You're a conqueror, Daenerys Stormborn."
"All right, then. Let it be fear," she quietly conceded. I will take what Khal Drogo promised me. With fire and blood, I will take it.
If they will not follow her based on love like she hoped, then every man, woman and child in Westeros will follow her out of fear. And the Dragon Queen will instill fear and submission among the populace here today; and after the royal armies were scattered, Daveth will be next on her list.
"*Raaaaarh!*" Drogon roared again.
A ballista bolt shot through the sky and swished past Daenerys and Drogon, narrowly missing them both. Someone had taken a shot at her! Swiftly turning her head to the right, Daenerys spotted an adolescent young militia firing off a single yet still functioning long-range artillery weapon. His eyes immediately widened and quickly backed off but fell backwards onto his butt and scurried away before realizing he was close to falling off the city's parapets.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...