Chapter 7: The Kingsroad

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On the kingsroad (near the Inn at the Crossroads)

Tensions were rising, burning hot and heavy. Eddard Stark took a search party to find his missing daughter Arya, but was recalled to the nearest holdfast as soon as word reached him that Arya was found... by Lannister soldiers! Once inside the audience chamber was crowded with Baratheon soldiers, Lannister soldiers, and Stark soldiers, all of them crammed against each other. Eddard pushed his way to the front. King Robert was slumped in a chair at the front, his face closed and sullen. Queen Cersei and Joffrey stood beside him. The Golden Lioness had her hand on her second son's shoulder. Thick silken bandages still covered the boy's arm. Daveth, meanwhile, leaned against the nearest wall with his arms crossed.

Arya stood in the center of the room, every eye being upon her. Eddard immediately went to her, his boots stomping on the stone floor. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she trembled as she embraced her father.

"Are you hurt?"

"No," she shook her head.

Eddard nodded and rose to face the Robert. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voicing loudly ringing. "Why was my daughter not brought to me at once?" The Lord of Winterfell's eyes swept across the room barely able to contain his fury; his own men were few, the rest were Lannister men... and hostile.

"How dare you speak to your King in that manner," Queen Cersei answered.

At that, Robert stirred. "Quiet, woman!" he snapped, straightening in his seat. "I'm sorry, Ned. I never meant to frighten the girl. But we need to get this business done quickly."

"And what business is that?"

Cersei stepped forward. "Your girl and that butcher's boy attacked my sons," she accused. "That animal of hers nearly tore Joffrey's arm off."

Daveth blinked. Of course, you of all people would say that, mother. Because that is NOT what happened!

Earlier this morning Daveth had a heated argument with the Queen, arguing over what had occurred at the riverbanks of the Trident.


"Joffrey is your brother!" Cersei scolded; her cold eyes focused on her eldest son. "How could you let that girl and her beast do that to him?"

Daveth met his mother's cold eyes with his own. "I had the situation firmly under control since he started it in the first place, mother. As for the direwolf, it came out of nowhere. As I said, if he hadn't been stupid enough to brazenly threaten the beast's mistress, then perhaps Joffrey wouldn't have had his arm bloody and mauled. He's lucky enough to even keep it."

"And you think that justifies your assault on him earlier?" she narrowed her eyes.

"So now it's fine if Joffrey starts trouble and gets away with only a few kind words, but it's fine to blame me for simply doing my duty? For defending myself?" Daveth was livid. "I gave him explicit commands to cease his recklessness, but he chose not to heed it. Joffrey never listens to anyone, and you damn well know it."

"Watch your language when speaking to your mother."

"Then act like one. Because if you won't keep that little monster tied to a short leash, then I'll do it myself."

Cersei was stunned by her son's attitude. He had never spoken back to her like that before. But before Cersei could argue even further, Daveth had already turned his back and marched out of the room.

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