Red Keep — Daveth's solar...
"The King should be in his personal chambers down the hall, my Queen," a servant motioned.
Sansa nodded. "Thank you. Take the rest of the night off if you can; you've been working yourselves ragged."
"You're very kind, Your Grace. Thank you."
Taking her twins by the hand, Sansa strolled through the corridors of the Red Keep as they headed back to check up on Daveth; he must have been going through a lot these past several days. But then again, so was she. Most of the castle had been nearing completion – with certain sections still sealed off due to either construction or renovation. The largest structure still under repairs was Maegor's Holdfast—two floors have been completed with only three remaining. She eventually arrived at her husband's new quarters, but as she reached for the knob, she heard faint voices emanating from the other side. Pressing her ear against the door, Sansa listened closely.
"Are you sure that was what you've seen is... entirely accurate, Your Grace? The Faith might find an interpretation of a spiritual world—an existing farplane—beyond this one hard to believe; some might even see it as heresy," a voice asked. It belonged to High Septa Rosyn.
"You asked for my opinion for the missive's inquiry, Your Holiness, and I gave my answer. I've been dead three times and three times I came back. Will it change your reply to the Most Devout?" another voice replied, it belonged to Daveth.
"If the rest of us could agree on the Faith's official stance, I could possibly answer that. These Lord of Light cultists are already a threat to the Gods our ancestors worshipped as do us—their own descendants do. The clergy doesn't seem to know what to make of this... 'divine resurrection' thing those of us who have personally witnessed your rebirth tell."
"What do they say about me?"
"Some suggest it was merely fate's guiding hand, others say it was a miracle... but others declare you, um... an unholy construct; that you have somehow cheated death whereas the less fortunate were not so lucky."
"I don't know if I miracle from any sort of deity—Faith or otherwise—saved me anymore than they do. I simply... just don't remember what happened."
"I... see. I meant no disrespect, child, only it was just... unnatural what we witnessed back at the inn. Yet, as rumors about you grow, the Most Devout might not believe such a humble reply. A difficult situation I did not intend to put you in, and I thank you for your answer. I'll take my leave. Good day, Your Grace."
Sansa backed off when she saw the doorknob twist and turn before the hinges creaked. The High Septa stepped out into the main corridor, noticed Sansa's presence and nodded.
"Your Grace," she acknowledged.
"Your Holiness," Sansa exchanged courtesies.
Once the High Septa left, Sansa and her children entered the room. The Queen sees her husband siting at his desk, face down, a book in front of him – sighing heavily with a shake of his head. Daveth's face appeared distant; he didn't move from his position—staring at the tome oblivious to the sound of little footsteps coming his way.
"Hi, papa!" the twins greeted.
Daveth lifted his head and turned to face his son and his daughter; both of whom had begun climbing up onto their father's lap. "Ah. My children. I didn't hear you enter," he acknowledged. "Were you two on your best behavior?"
"Yup!" Lyonel squeaked.
"Will we see grammie again? Uncle Wobb? Auntie Aiya?" Cassana asked.
"Someday, pups... once things have settled down." Daveth looks up at his wife. "Hello, Sansa."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...