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―At King's Landing―
Red Keep ― Royal bedchamber...
"Ooooh..." Sansa moaned exhaustively. Wolf Queen was in the final stages of her second pregnancy and was resting on her side as Shae and Jeyne tended to her needs; judging from the way she was complaining, she looked like she could give birth at any moment. Shae wiped the Queen's brow while Jeyne did what she could to make her childhood best friend feel comfortable as much as possible.
The twins, Lyonel and Cassana—now 3-years-old and standing 3 feet 7¾ inches tall—remained at their mother's side and watched her with a concerned expression on their faces.
"Mommy?" whined Lyonel.
"Is mommy sick?" Cassana inquired.
"No, little ones," Shae shook her head, doing her best to explain. "Your mother's gonna have a baby soon. She needs plenty of rest until the baby comes."
Sansa offered a reassuringly warm smile. "It's okay, sweetlings," she said. "This is— mmmmm... perfectly normal. All mothers go through this at some point in their lives."
"Really?" asked the elder twin.
She nodded. "What you're seeing me do... it's just to get the baby ready for delivery."
Cassana gently patted her mother's belly. "Will we have a brother or a sister?" she asked.
"I don't know, sweetie. But I guess we'll find out soon."
"I wan' a brother," Lyonel chirped.
His sister shook her head. "No, I wan' a sister," she retorted.
"Now, now, children. Don't quarrel in front of your mother. I'm already uncomfortable enough as it is, and I do not appreciate it when you two start arguing."
"We're sorry, mommy," they apologized.
Sansa patted her son's and daughter's heads – understanding that they were still young and learning. Only a few more moments and she'll have another child in no time; but on the other hand, she knew there was a war going on between her husband and the Mad King's daughter Daenerys—in addition to Euron Greyjoy's raiding to the Reach islands. She must've imagined that Daveth must be under a lot of pressure and would be solely focused on fighting multiple battles on two different fronts.
"Sansa?" Jeyne's voice broke her thoughts.
The Queen groaned and shuddered as she felt pressure building up. Saying nothing, she calmly held a hand up to reassure everyone present in the same room to remain steady. Just then the door to her room opened up—revealing the visitor to be none other than Daveth himself. Sansa wearily looked up at her husband and could tell by the look in his eyes that something was definitely on his mind.
"Hi daddy," Cassana greeted.
Lyonel tilted his head sideways. "Daddy?" he chirped.
Daveth ruffled his son's hair—the elder twin snickered as Cassana looked up at her father. He looked down at her face, the innocent twinkling in her eyes. Both his son and daughter emanated an aura of innocent purity; untouched by all this wrong and injustice. He hoped to keep them safe from it as their father and provider, but still knew at some point in their lives they'd have to go through it too.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...