Red Keep — Tower of the Hand...
The sun began to set, and the bells began ringing.
Lying on his bed in the Tower of the Hand, Eddard's breathing grew more labored as the days progressed. Pycelle, who was released from solitary confinement, confessed that he was surprised that someone like the Hand of the King had managed to last as long as he did. But he reported that Eddards' wounds were deep as they were multiple. His wife, Catelyn took Talisa with her and marched to the capital as fast as she heard the news. Even Talisa's treatment could only do so much. Standing at Eddard's side stood his eldest son Robb, who is visibly devastated that his father was going to die soon. Both Sansa and Arya were weeping as they each held their father's hands in their own. Catelyn tried to put on a stone face for the sake of her children but failed as she silently wept as well.
"My children..." spoke Eddard soft.
"Father," Robb said.
"Father," Sansa and Arya replied, wiping tears from their eyes as more began to pour.
Catelyn took Eddard's wet rag and wiped his brow. "Ned, my sweet..." her voice trembled.
Eddard coughed and slightly winced in pain. "My time here is done..." he plainly said.
"No, father," Arya pleaded. "You can't...!"
"Please, father, please don't leave us!" Sansa sniffled, holding his hand into her own.
"If only will could make it so, my children... But I know now it was destined to be this way. I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago. But I kept going for as long as I could for all of you, your brothers, your mother... and the King."
"That's not fair!"
Robb placed a hand on his youngest sister's shoulder. "Arya," he motioned.
Arya looked at her brother, lowering her head to wipe her eyes on her sleeve. The door to the room then opened, giving a small creaking noise for all to hear. Fighting to keep his eyes open, Eddard looked up to see who it was.
"Your Grace..." Eddard coughed.
The gathered Starks looked to the doorway and saw Daveth standing there, his bandages covering the left side of his face had small stains of dried blood on it. Robb, Sansa, Arya and Catelyn stood but were motioned to remain seated.
"Your Grace," they all greeted grimly.
Daveth still felt the sharp sting near his eye and it pained him sorely. "May I?" he asked.
Catelyn briefly nodded and allowed the Young Stag entry. Daveth slowly made his way forward and looked at Eddard, sitting himself down at the bedside.
"You damned fool."
The Starks looked surprised and visibly upset at that remark, but immediately cooled off once they noticed the seemingly stoic Daveth Baratheon's face and demeanor beginning to crack and display a series of emotion.
"Why?" he beseeched. "Why did you do that?"
Eddard was certain he knew what the Young Stag was referring to. "I made a promise to your father on his deathbed a year ago that I would look after his children; that I would look over and protect you as if you were one of my own. What I did at the Blackwater... it needed to be done. It was the only way to ensure that Robert's last wish was fulfilled," he said hoarsely.
Daveth felt as if the words were stabbing and being twisted in his gut, like a sharpened blade. He couldn't protect Jon Arryn from dying and his watch had ended last year. Now Daveth felt as if he couldn't do anything to prevent Eddard Stark―his Hand, future father-in-law and strongest supporter―from meeting an almost similar fate. Both were good men, and now it appears that the Stark patriarch's watch is coming to an end. The feeling of helplessness; Daveth utterly hated the manifestation from developing in the pit of his mind. The Young Stag's face scrunched and he felt a lump in his throat.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanficDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...