―At Winterfell―
Accompanied by 20 men under Ser Rodrik Cassel, Lord Robb Stark and Theon Greyjoy rode through the courtyard on their horses. Hooves galloping through the mud, they recently came back from searching through most of the North—the most recent stop was from The New Gift, the furthest part of the North they've ever ventured before they were forced to withdraw from the region due to a massive wildling presence there. Dismounting from their steeds, Robb was emotionally exhausted at the continuous search for Bran and Rickon.
"You said the boys mentioned something about going beyond the Wall itself despite the dangers?" Ser Rodrik implored. "With a large wildling army amassing on the other side, it'll be too difficult to send a scouting party."
Theon, the new Lord of the Iron Islands sentenced to live in exile on the mainland, briefly lowered his head. "I know things may seem to be bleak, but you Starks are hard to kill."
"We've dispatched scouting parties to Greywater Watch up to Karhold and still we've seen no sign of either Bran or Rickon," said Lord Harald Karstark. "It's possible they could have chosen to go into hiding elsewhere now that winter's come. There's no way they'd take such a suicidal risk."
"That's not what that Reed lad and his sister told me, Lord Karstark."
"Either way, it's too dangerous to go beyond the Wall. Not so long as Mance Rayder and his wildling barbarians still retain a strong presence there."
Robb shook his head, feeling emotionally drained and exhausted. It was his duty as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North to care for his people, but also more importantly to his family. "I know in my gut that Bran and Rickon are still alive. They're still out there somewhere," he remained adamant. "And we need to bring them home."
As the leading scouting party returned, Robb saw Maester Luwin slowly walking up to him with a rolled-up piece of paper in his blue robes. "Pardon me, my lord. But a raven just flew in from Last Hearth," the old maester informed him.
House Umber... thought Theon.
"What did Lord Umber say?"
"The Greatjon says he's found young Lord Rickon and Osha. They arrived at his castle seeking shelter from the cold and are said to be waiting for you there."
Overhearing the conversation, Lady Catelyn and Arya felt their knees beginning to give way underneath them. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, a small ray of hope had shined above them. Robb felt a sense of relief wash over him as well.
"Rickon's all right...?" Arya asked, stepping out of the hall.
Luwin nodded. "He is, my lady."
Catelyn breathed a sigh relief, but still yearned for more answers.
"And what's the bad news?" asked Theon.
Luwin shook his head. "I'm afraid that the bad news is... is that young Lord Bran, his direwolf Summer, Hodor, and the Reed children Jojeen and Meera have already gone past the Wall."
The members of the Stark household were left in aghast at the startling revelation that the fourth child and second son of Lord Eddard Stark. Catelyn was beside herself with grief; the thought of her child in danger again in a frozen uninhabitable wasteland was more than Catelyn would bear as she nearly collapsed.
"Oh, Bran...!" Catelyn's voice broke.
"Mother!" Arya and Robb moved to comfort their mother.
Theon felt a bit guilty at letting both Bran and Rickon go, but he knew he had done it for their safety. He had just hoped that they would return to Winterfell once the danger of the Second Greyjoy Rebellion had subsided, but alas it wasn't meant to be after all.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...