Chapter 156: Dark Impulses, Vengeance Takes Over

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At Winterfell

Winterfell — Godswood...

"You do realize that with the Night King gone, Daveth and Daenerys will be back at each other's throats. You've certainly felt it, haven't you? The tension has already been high despite them helping us win this war," Jon mentioned.

The White Wolf had gathered Robb, Arya and Bran in the godswood for a late-night discussion of what comes next. Although the battle had been won and the Army of the Dead is no more, the losses were still high; over 100,000 men and women of the 300,000 royal forces who took part in the battle fell to the undead forces whereas the Dragon Queen's army was reduced by half—only 50,000 Dothraki cavalry and 4,000 Unsullied infantry remained.

"You were one of three to kill the Night King. Last I heard, Daveth was one of them too," Arya pointed out.

"Their troops gave their lives defending Winterfell—"

"And we will never forget them," Robb interjected. "But nothing changes the fact that we've already sworn ourselves and the North to Daveth and his cause for the past seven years, not Daenerys Targaryen or her ilk."

"Still, I respect that," Arya pondered out loud.

This somewhat surprised the Young Wolf. "You respect it? Respect what, exactly?" he asked.

"We needed them both. We needed their armies, her dragons. I respect that Jon took a big risk in getting them both on our side." She explains before turning to Jon. "And Jon, we're doing the right thing by telling you we've already made our choice. Daenerys is not one of us, and she never will be."

"I know that, Arya."

"Besides, we've already got the allies we have."


"We're family. You, me, Robb, Sansa, Bran, Rickon..."

Jon shook his head. "I'm not a Stark," he reiterated.

"Yes, Jon, you are. You're just as much as Ned Stark's child as any of us. You're my brother. Not my half-brother or my bastard brother, but our brother."

"FOR THE LAST TIME, ARYA, I'M NOT A STARK AND I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER!" Jon shouted. By the time he realized what he just said; Arya was looking at him almost mouth agape with surprise. She had never seen him snap like this before. Robb already knew what was coming and said nothing. Calming himself down, he spoke more softly. "Listen, Arya. Robb and I need to tell you something. But you have to swear you'll never tell another soul."

She blinked. "Well... what is it?" she asked, half-confused and half-curious.

Jon looked at Robb and Bran.

"It's your choice," the Young Wolf offered.

"Swear it to me first, in the sight of the godswood—before the Old Gods of the Forest—and I'll tell you. I'm only asking because we're family. Please... Swear it."

"I swear it."

Jon inhaled and exhaled. All eyes were on him now. Robb, Arya and Bran... he knew he had to tell them the truth, but that didn't mean it would be easy. "Arya... the truth is that I'm neither a Stark nor a bastard. I never was one from the very beginning. Ned Stark... is not my real father. He's my uncle. He took me in and raised me as his own to protect me."

"What are you?—"

"I'm the son of his sister, Lyanna Stark. And Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the Last Dragon, is my real father," he revealed. "Rhaegar didn't kidnap her or raped her. He loved her and she loved him. They were married in secret. When my father was killed by Robert Baratheon at the Battle of the Trident, Ned Stark kept the truth of my parentage a secret from everyone, including his wife and myself." His exhale shook. "My name isn't Jon Snow. It's Aegon Targaryen. And I am not your brother. I'm your cousin."

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