Chapter 26: Riot of King's Landing

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The day had finally arrived. It was something Daveth had been dreading, but it had to be done. He had no choice but to see it through. A Dornish vessel had arrived near the docks to retrieve Princess Myrcella Baratheon and bring her to Sunspear as part of a pact made with the ruling royal House with House Martell. Attending with the rest of the royal family and their retainers, Daveth decides to send one of his own Kingsguard knights, Ser Arys Oakheart, to guard Myrcella as her sworn shield. Prince Doran Martell had assured King Daveth that he will move his banners into the high passes once Myrcella was settled at Sunspear, though the Young Stag had to assign someone to protect Myrcella just in case.

"You take care of yourself in Dorne now, you hear?" Daveth told his sister.

"Yes, brother," Myrcella nodded.

"Do not show weakness. No tears. Always keep your head held high and be just as proud. Do not let your guard down even for a minute. Do you understand?"

"Yes, brother."

"And... I meant what I said to you before. I'll write you as many letters as possible."

"You promise you'll come see me?"

"You have my word. I'll miss you, 'Cella."

Tears began to fill Myrcella's eyes. "Me too," her voice cracked.

It was a hard time for the royal House Baratheon. Myrcella was ready to depart on a journey by herself... without her family at her side. She didn't want to leave home, didn't want to leave her brother behind, but Daveth reminded her of her duties as a Princess and a Baratheon. It was important that she sees this through, as heartbreaking as this moment was. The only thing she'll be taking with her from the only home Myrcella's ever known is a golden lion trinket around her neck from her mother Cersei and a black stag cloak given to her by her brother Daveth. The girl never wept. Young as she was, Myrcella Baratheon was a Princess and understood her duty. And a Lannister, despite her name, Tyrion reminded himself, as much Jaime's blood as Cersei's.

To be sure, Myrcella's smile was a shade tremulous when all three of her brothers took their leave of her on the deck of the Seaswift, but the girl knew the proper words to say, and she said them with courage and dignity. When the time came to part, it was 12-year-old Prince Tommen who cried, and both Sansa and Myrcella who gave him comfort.

Daveth embraced his sister and stood beside Tyrion, Eddard, and Sansa. Tyrion watched his niece step onto the small boat, tears starting to slide down her face. The High Septon began praying to pass his blessings to Myrcella as she leaves for her voyage to Dorne. Sunlight caught in his crystal crown and spilled rainbows across Myrcella's upturned face. The noise from the riverside made it impossible to hear the prayers. He hoped the gods had sharper ears. The High Septon was as fat as a house, and more pompous and long of wind than even Pycelle.

"May the Seven guide the Princess on her journey," the High Septon prayed. "May the Mother give her health. May the Crone give her wisdom. May the Warrior give her courage."

Cersei Lannister sat down; her face devoid of emotion as she watched her only daughter leave. She had not spoken to her eldest son Daveth with a mother's tenderness – but rather a deep scorn. She watched as Sansa hugged Daveth from behind, hoping to ease his discomfort.

"My heart aches for you, my sweet King."

Cersei had developed a deep distrust towards Sansa and her affection towards Daveth, one that was apparently reciprocated. "You'll be Queen, for a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear," was what Cersei remembered from her younger days when she asked the witch Maggy the Frog to tell her future. Now she couldn't help but believe that Sansa was the one aiming to take her place – despite the young Stark maiden's innocence and genuine affection. One day I pray you know what love feels like, my son. I pray you love her so much, when you close your eyes, you see her face. I want that for you. I want you to know what it's like to love someone, to truly love someone. Before I take her from you. She kept silent knowing full well what her eldest son would do in response if Daveth so much as heard such a vile threat directed at Sansa. 

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