―At King's Landing―
Rhaenys's Hill ― The Dragonpit...
Security was running high; today was a diplomatic summit at the Dragonpit—a second encounter with Daveth and Daenerys, but with a mediator being sent south from the Night's Watch to ensure both sides remained level-headed. But what Barristan and Jaime did not expect, however, was the invitation was also extended to Euron Greyjoy himself. They knew Daveth would never approve and would likely be confrontational with him rather than with the Dragon Queen. Baratheon and Lannister soldiers were guarding the ramparts with the Gold Cloaks patrolling the streets and pathways of King's Landing while the rest of the royal army stand on high alert in case if a fight breaks out. Boiling pitch, filled barrels, the walls were being heavily defended.
On the opposite side of the clearing, they could see Grey Worm and the Unsullied standing in formation in front of the royal army before the Dothraki crests the hill behind the disciplined Unsullied howling and whooping in the distance.
"Archers, stand tall! Cover that wall!" shouted Tyral, one of Daveth's top informants in the Westerlands now promoted to the rank of Captain in the Lannister army.
"Hard to believe that those two will come face-to-face like this again," Jaime mused. "Must've been a very good reason for them to arrange a summit like this; I doubt the Queen would tolerate the daughter of the King who murdered her grandfather and uncle being in her presence."
"She isn't but she knows full-well of the reason behind this gathering," Barristan replied. "The Starks are staunch supporters of the Night's Watch and contributed to them greatly; but when one of them sent warnings across the far regions of Westeros they claim is a greater threat to all, Queen Sansa couldn't help but acquiesce to the summit."
"Euron Greyjoy will be there."
"I know."
"My nephew is not going to be thrilled about it. The Greyjoys rebelled against the throne for the right to be monarchs, but were soundly defeated." Jaime pondered. "Come to think of it, wasn't Euron the one who started the First Greyjoy Rebellion by sailing to Casterly Rock and burning the Lannister fleet at anchor? Very smart move on his part; it caught us off-guard like that."
Barristan frowned. "Let's not also forget what he did to His Grace. All those innocent people down there... the men, the women.... by the Gods, even the little children before Euron turned his sight towards him. He was only eight years old. I still remember what he did when I found him on the Iron Islands."
"And I remember every little detail."
"Then perhaps it's best for us to go back down and keep him from doing anything rash."
On the ground, Daveth, Sansa and the members of the Small Council proceeded towards the Dragonpit—accompanied by every one of their Kingsguard escorts. Ariyana Dayne, having been released from her confinement at the White Sword Tower, was given leave to return to her duties; that didn't mean the Young Stag himself had forgotten nor forgiven for her taking advantage of his hospitality when it was revealed she spied on him for Dorne years ago. But that was then. Now they had more important matters to attend to.
"City's population has grown to more than a million, considering our recent sanitation upgrades and the city's revitalization projects," Tyrion mentions.
"And you're telling me this why?" Daveth asks.
"Every now and then we occasionally need a moment to distract ourselves from the biggest shitstorms that lay ahead of us. You're about to set foot in the same room with Daenerys Targaryen again... but for whole other reasons yet unknown. Perhaps an opportunity will indeed present itself."

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...