Chapter 169: Convening the Great Council of 305 AC

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―At King's Landing―

King's Landing ― Dragonpit...

Missandei sat in a proper cell as benefiting a condemned prisoner. It's been several weeks since the Battle of King's Landing ended in a decisive victory for House Baratheon – the death of Daenerys Targaryen, the Unsullied and Dothraki utterly routed, Drogon getting crushed by tons of debris and Rhaegal's vanishing... the Naathi handmaiden's hair was undone, tangled in knots and her dress was filthy, covered in dirty and grime. She sat on the ground in a half-lit cell and reflected on the loss of her mistress, her friends, her lover... All of them were gone.

For as long as she knew Daenerys, the dream to make a world a better place was gone. The silence was soon broken with the sound of a bolt on her cell door opening. She looks up to see four gold cloaks approach her.

"Come on, you. The high lords are waiting," one of them said roughly.

They pick her up by the arm, but Missandei doesn't resist. She doesn't ask where they're taking her. She doesn't even look at them. They walked a long way until they reached the entrance of the Dragonpit where lines of hundreds if not thousands of gold cloaks standing at attention; guards from different houses stood at attention near the entrances with archers atop the battlements and tumble-downed steps. A show of force that leaves no doubt as to who controls King's Landing. In front of them stood large awning tents in the middle of the coliseum with the banners of the Great Houses. Sitting down awaiting them were the most powerful lords and ladies of Westeros, all of them had gathered arrayed in a semi-circle. The setting was nearly similar circumstances to the summit months ago.

From left to right were the various banners representing each of the powerful noble houses: a grey direwolf on a white field, sigil of House Stark; a white falcon and crescent moon on a blue field, sigil of House Arryn; a golden kraken on a black field, sigil of House Greyjoy; a crowned black stag salient on a gold field, sigil of House Baratheon of Storm's End; a golden lion on a crimson field, sigil of House Lannister; a crowned gold stag salient on a black field, sigil of House Baratheon of King's Landing; a crowned black stag enclosed in a fiery red heart, sigil of House Baratheon of Dragonstone; a silver trout leaping on a red and blue background, sigil of House Tully; a golden rose on a green field, sigil of House Tyrell; and a red sun pierced by a gold spear on an orange field, sigil of House Martell.

Within the interim period, during a time of reconstruction, the time to initiate the first phase had begun. Sansa and Tyrion utilized their political influence to call upon the formation of a Great Council among the lords and ladies of the Seven Kingdoms to resolve a few contentious issues, the fourth to be successfully convened. It was the first time in nearly 72 years a council of this magnitude was called. In Westerosi history, there had been at least two Great Councils to decide the succession to the Iron Throne in 101 and 233 AC whereas the third decided the regents of an underaged monarch in 136 AC. Any other attempts to convene a Great Council had failed. After the death of Daenerys Targaryen, there would be much to discuss.

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