―The Wall―
Castle Black...
Having already witnessed such treasonous actions, Ser Davos gathered a few of Stannis's personal guards and run down the steps towards Jon Snow's body as other brothers of the Night's Watch approach. Led by Eddison, all present were taken aback by the sight of their friend.
"It's the Lord Commander!"
"You're Dolorous Edd, aren't you?" Davos asked. "Help me get him inside."
All parties including the other Night's Watch brothers help pick up Jon's lifeless body from a pool of his own blood and carry him inside of one of Castle Black's rooms. Ghost follows close by. While Eddison wipes a nearby table clean, Jon was placed on top of the table. Saddened and furious, he placed his hand on his friend's wounds before brushing his eyes closed.
"Thorne did this," Eddison snarled.
"But why would he do this?"
"He hasn't seen what we've seen. The Fist of the First Men, Hardhome... he hasn't seen the true threat we've seen beyond the Wall. The White Walkers."
Davos blinked. "White Walkers? What're White Walkers?"
As if on cue, Mance Rayder and Tormund enter the room – surprising the Night's Watch brothers as they drew their blades before sheathing them. The former King-Beyond-the-Wall and his second-in-command both observe Jon, looking down almost mournfully – though each of their eyes indicated a sense of personal respect for the bastard Snow for sticking his neck out for the wildlings... even if it indeed cost him his life.
"The fuckin' dead; the reason why we Free Folk have been trying to get south of the Wall," Tormund explained. "Ye southerners think we wanted to invade? No, we've been trying to find safety the whole time. White Walkers have been pickin' us off for years."
"And we're nothing but sacks of meat in their army. The more living they slay, the larger in size the Army of the Dead grows," Mance chimed in. "Ned Stark's bastard might've been a crow, but he was a good lad. I know when someone else's heart is in the right place even if another tries to steer him clear of it. He spoke for the Free Folk when no other southerners would."
"And he died for us."
"Perhaps not for good. Ser Davos," Melisandre made her announcement known.
Eddison looks over his shoulder at Davos, who reluctantly nods for him to stand aside. The Night's Watch brothers and few Free Folk back away to let the Red Priestess through; Melisandre visibly disturbed, whether at the sight of Jon Snow's body or the scolding ridicule of a lecture she received from the echelons of the Red Temple's high-ranking leadership. But there was a sense of uncertainty, as well; Melisandre's faith began to crack and lose faith as Vaeraleah's words slowly wormed its way into her head and the possible concept that she was following the wrong man.
"Why are you here?" one of the Night's Watch brothers asked.
Melisandre tried to maintain her faith. "I... just received word from the High Priestess of Asshai. It... would seem that the Lord of Light has plans for Jon Snow."
Davos remained skeptical. "All this time you've remained firm in your belief that your fire god favors our lord, Stannis Baratheon. Now you say He favors Jon Snow? Why the sudden change of heart?"
"Because I saw... I had a vision of him with two others in the flames, fighting against the darkness at Winterfell."
"The White Walkers," both Mance and Tormund acknowledge.

Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper
FanfictionDaveth Baratheon is the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, the only one of four children she bore her lawful husband. A natural-born prodigy, his intellect and swordsmanship skills are among one of the best despite hi...