Chapter 24: The Negotiator

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―At King's Landing―

Red Keep ― Small Council chambers...

Eddard had been counseling Daveth on recent occurrences, such as the capture of his uncle Jaime, the food shortages and the Redwyne Fleet's approach to the capital. The elder statesman implored the King to heed his advice on military matters, for Eddard was a veteran of two wars and his experience would no doubt prove useful. Other councilors in attendance included Lord Petyr Baelish and Varys; even his own mother Cersei was allowed to attend on the condition she keeps Joffrey in line. Daveth often listened to his Hand's advice, taking into consideration what needed to be done – but even then, the Young Stag often took matters into his own hands to fill in the gaps in preparations for a what-if scenario.

Joffrey was adamant in being in attendance with Sandor Clegane; he claims to be learning, but the elder Baratheon easily saw through the younger's lie. In truth, he appeared incredibly bored and not paying attention to what was being said. For months, Daveth had tried to tutor Joffrey on learning to rule and every time Joffrey did not pay attention served only to severely test the limits to his patience and frustrating him. This would be Joffrey's last chance; otherwise Daveth will permanently deem him a lost cause and redirect his attention towards their youngest brother Tommen instead.

"And these reports detail the city's granaries?" Daveth asked.

Eddard nodded. "They are, Your Grace. Based on how many troops are stationed in the garrison and the growing number of refugees fleeing the war, our food supplies from the Riverlands will eventually run out in two or three months. With the rebel fleet on its way, I fear things will only get worse."

"Things always get worse before they get better, Lord Stark. What are our options?"

Petyr chimed in. "I can have the City Watch close the gates, stop the gradual flow of refugees from pouring in."

"You would be so cruel as to leave these people out to die, Lord Baelish?" Eddard said repulsively.

"Think about it, my Lord Hand. We have nowhere to house them, the Redwyne Fleet is already on its way here, and if we continue to let more people in then our soldiers stationed here will be too weak to defend the city once the last of our supplies run out."

"An unfortunate situation," spoke Varys, "but sometimes during a crisis drastic measures must be taken into consideration to prevent the many from falling from starvation or war."

"Does Janos Slynt not command the City Watch, my son?" Cersei implores. "Is he not charged with keeping the king's peace? To keep order?"

"He does, mother," Daveth confirms. "2,000 gold cloaks have been posted throughout several key sections of King's Landing, and the patrols have—" He noticed Joffrey once again not paying attention, rather instead looking bored and ready to fall asleep at any moment. "JOFFREY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!" he yelled.

The seemed to bring Joffrey's mind back to reality. "Y-yeah, yeah! The thing with the thing..." he tried to defend himself, but Daveth groaned in utter irritation and annoyance. He knew Joffrey was lying.

"Then why don't you tell me? So I know you know." He was now putting Joffrey's feet to the fire, and with his back pressed against the wall, the Illborn found all eyes locked onto him.

"Stop it now, both of you," Cersei intervened. "We already have enough on today's agenda, and I will not afford you two to come to blows."

"When I invited you and Joffrey to attend today's council meeting, you gave me your word that he would act the part. Learn what it means to rule. And yet here Joffrey stands not even grasping the gravity of our situation."

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