Chapter 2

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After hours, Harry finally fell back to sleep.

The next morning he was awakened by a way too over-enthusiastic Ron. 

"Come on Harry! Wake up! We have to go to Quidditch practice!"

Harry groaned. "No! Let me sleep!"

"No, get up you! Before I get Oliver to wake you up!"

"Fine." Harry got up slowly and shuffled to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Bloody hell mate, you look like you didn't sleep last night!" Ron said when Harry came back into the room.

"Thanks Ron, I don't feel like I slept last night." Harry answered. "Stupid Malfoy with his stupid soft lips..." He muttered.

"What did you say?" Ron asked.

"Doesn't matter, we should get ready. Oliver will kill us if we're late."

"Yeah, alright."

Harry quickly got dressed and went to the field with Ron.

Oliver was already busy trying to keep the twins out of the air, who weren't in a bad mood for the first time during a morning practice.

"Fred! Wait! I have to... Uuugh! George! No! Guys stay on the ground with your brooms! Uuggh!"

"Good morning Oliver, the twins are feeling awake I see." Harry said.

"Yes, they really are, they can't be kept quiet, they are just like two toddlers who got candy!"

"Aren't they always like that?"

Oliver laughed."True, but we really have to start practice, we have to play against Slytherin next week and I can't listen to Flint's bragging again!"

"Who could? Even Professor Snape can't stand their bragging anymore." Harry sighed. "You get the rest I'll take care of Fred and George."

"Thanks Harry," Oliver left to get the rest of the team.

Harry was glad he could play Quidditch for a while. That way he could take his mind off his strange dream for a moment.

After practice, he went with Ron to the Great Hall to eat breakfast with Hermione.

"Hi guys, how was practice?" She asked.

"Great, Fred and George were unbearable, they kept flying in circles around Oliver. Oliver went crazy, hilarious. And how was your morning?" Ron said.

"Quite weird, I was just sitting in the library looking for something and Crookshanks suddenly started biting on the book I was holding and" ...

Harry had stopped listening to what Hermione was saying, he got distracted by a voice behind him that he would prefer not to hear for the next few days.

"Yeah, we kicked his ass, didn't we?" Draco's laugh made Harry's heart jump.

He turned around.

Draco entered the Great Hall followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Yes we did, Malfoy." Crabbe said laughing.

Draco glanced in the direction of Harry and his friends.

"Is it just me or is Malfoy blushing?" Ron asked.

"No, I think you're right, he is blushing." Hermione answered.

Harry stared at Draco who stared back at him. He felt his cheeks burn.

"Harry?" Ron said.

Harry ignored his best friend, unable to take his eyes off Draco.

"Hey! Malfoy!" Goyle gave Draco a slight shove. "Are you still there?"

Draco was awakened from his trance and looked away. "Huh? Yes... Let's have breakfast." He took one last glance in Harry's direction before sitting at the Slytherin table and talking to Crabbe and Goyle again.

"Harry?" Hermione said.

Harry turned around quickly. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Ron and Hermione gave him a strange look.

"Is everything alright mate, you are acting very weird this morning..." Ron asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just had a weird dream last night, that's all."

"Okay," Ron began to greedily eat the food that had just appeared on the table.

Hermione, however, looked at Harry for a while thoughtfully, as if she knew it wasn't just some weird dream like he often had.

After breakfast the classes started. The day went like any other normal day, only, Harry couldn't concentrate properly.

"What are we going to do?" Ron asked as the three of them sat in the Common Room a few hours after dinner.

"I think I'm heading to bed." Harry said.

"Already?" Ron asked astonished.

"Yeah, it's already 9.30 and I still have to catch up on sleep from last night." Harry got up. "Goodnight Hermione, goodnight Ron."

"Goodnight mate," Ron said.

Hermione was worried about Harry. He never goes to bed this early.

"He's acting strange don't you think?" Ron said after a while. "I'm worried about him."

"Yeah, me too, he never goes to bed this early."

Harry got ready to go to sleep and laid down in his bed. He was tired from the long day and wanted to go to sleep immediately.

Harry soon fell into a peaceful sleep without strange Draco dreams.

At least it seemed that way, but only a few hours later Harry woke up again by the very same dream.

Harry sighed deeply. Not again! He dropped his head back on his pillow, groaning in frustration, hoping he would fall back to sleep soon.

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