i'm baby!

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Synopsis: Y/N's in subspace and Harry's home

Harry was coming home.

The words alone made Y/N's heart swell as she prepared the house for Harry's return from being in LA whilst filming his new movie.

She was all over the place, dusting the furniture, baking his favourite treats, getting all pretty for her boyfriend's homecoming. She was just so excited to see him again.

They had been FaceTiming everyday whenever Harry had a moment free on set. Y/N was currently working at a fashion company so she was unable to go to LA with him and stay in his cosy home. It was difficult to be so far away from the person she loved but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make to be with him.

However, as much as Y/N was happy to see her boyfriend again she was also feeling very subby which meant she couldn't wait to get kisses from daddy.

She was wearing her favourite dress and white frilly socks, her hair was in loose waves down her back with a thin layer of makeup over her face. She wanted to look pretty for daddy so she did her best to put together an outfit that would make his return absolutely perfect.

She put the fairy cakes she had made onto a little, floral china plate and even made some tea in the tea set Harry had bought her one Christmas. She set it out on the table in the lounge and sat down with her hands in her lap, fiddling with her fingers in excitement.

She placed her phone beside her and waited for a text from Harry. He told her on the phone last night he would text her when he arrived at the airport so she was awaiting for that exact message to come through.

Her brain was very foggy and she was giggling excitedly every time she heard a car pull up near the house. It wasn't until an hour had passed and the tea had gone a little cold, where Harry finally entered the house with his suitcase in hand.

He sighed as he opened the door, cursing under his breath as he pulled his suitcase in from behind him. Y/N's face lit up as she stood from the couch and ran to the front door, a grin on her face.

Harry looked up at the sound of light footsteps racing towards him, Y/N ran into him and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. She buried her face into his chest, smelling his cologne and clinging onto the person she missed the most.

"Daddy's home baby." He chuckled, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

"Daddy's back?" She looked up at him and he immediately knew she was so deep in subspace from the way her eyes were all glazed over.

He nods his head, comforting her, "I'm here." He assures her. "Feeling subby baby?" He knew her so well it made her tear up a little.

She quickly nods her head, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, "I got excited daddy." She murmurs.

Harry removes her hand from her face and kisses the back of her hand, "That's okay baby, daddy's excited to see you too. Gonna let me put my bags away so I can give some love to my baby?"

"I'm baby, daddy's baby!" She squeals, she was really deep.

Harry chuckles, pulling her in tightly and squeezing her in a tight hug, "All mine." He kisses her hairline and grabs his bag to bring upstairs to their room.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now