just breathe for me [REQUESTED]

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This is a cute lil idea requested by elliejonesxo thank you so much for your request my lovely!

Synopsis: You're the only one who calms him down but you're not there.

Harry listens to each song over and over again, hoping that the magical sounds and the sentemental tone mixed with the harmonious melodies and the melancholy lyrics will help him find a way to bring back the girl he loved and lost a long time ago. Each lyric could mean a number a things to anybody but to him they were all about you.

Adore You was about the time he fell in love with you as you stumbled into a bar with a group of your friends in the Caribbean on your girls holiday. He remembers everything about you that night. How your hair was in a low ponytail tied back with a yellow ribbon and you were wearing a white sundress and black Birkenstock sandles. You walked over to the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic martini and smiled over at him as he stared at you like a weirdo. 

He had never been so nervous to talk to someone before but with you, he had no idea how to make conversation. Luckily, you weren't so nervous to initiate the first chat and afterwards the pair of you were glued to each other for the next three years. 

Canyon Moon was a sweet reminder of the time you and your family joined him, Anne and Gemma on a trip to Hawaii. It was a dream and the whole time he had never felt so much love as he watched his girl cuddle with his older sister on the sunbeds and help out his mother with the cooking in the evenings. 

Falling became one of the most heart breaking pieces of music he had written but also the easiest to write as he wrote down all the emotions he felt when he lost you. When you left the apartment you shared in New York because of how much you had hurt each other with your clashing careers and schedules. Distance makes the heart grow fonder but in your case all it did was make you lose what meant so much to both of you. 

And the track he found hardest to listen to was Cherry. The sound of your voice in the track haunted him and didn't help him on the road to recovering from heartbreak. He wrote it as soon as he saw you smile at someone who wasn't him. In a moment of anger and spite, he penned down the lyrics and came up with a song that he struggled to sing out loud but had to anyway. 

Whenever he would perform he looked as if he was in another world, and he was, but it was a world without you and a world without you wasn't at all good enough. 

Today, Harry was at the Forum getting ready to promote the new album. He was wearing his 'Fine Line' outfit and getting his hair done whilst talking on the phone to his agent who was blabbing on about something to do with final tour dates. 

"Harry, you're on in twenty minutes." Somebody called through the door of his dressing room. He finished up with the final touches on his hair before thanking his hair stylist and walking to the main stage. 

When he gets there, he looks over at the technicians who are testing out the mics on the band and does a double take when he sees you, smiling and testing one of the mics out on Sarah who's not paying much attention. "Harry!" He looks up at Mitch who looks worried. "You okay?" 

Harry looks back over and sees a completely different person adjusting Sarah's mic. He shakes his head and puts on a fake smile for Mitch. "I'm cool, let's get this shit started." He starts to get miced up by a different technician but he begins to lose his senses when he starts to see you everywhere. 

His breathing picks up and his palms start to sweat. The sound of cheering from the crowd rings in his ears and the loud footsteps of his band going on stage makes his eyes shoot up to the main stage. "Harry? What's wrong?" He looks over at his friend, Jeff, who looks worried for him.

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