my little lion

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*Trigger warning- talk of sexual assault*

Synopsis: A short story of two people who fall in love.

They were high school sweethearts and met halfway through their time at school. Y/N was fifteen and Harry was a little older. Y/N didn't have many friends- the thought of socializing made her heart pound- so she spent a lot of time in the library getting her hands on any book she could. In fact, Harry quite liked to believe she had read every single book in that library from how fast she was able to read and how much time she spent doing it. 

One time, Harry got an after school detention for being told numerous times to stop talking to the girls in the back row. He needed to order the new collection of books into alphabetical order and then put them up on the shelf.  He was there with the chemistry teacher sat at a desk and munching on an apple, whilst marking test papers. 

It wasn't until he had to place some of the books into the L-M section where he saw the small girl sat on a bean bag, fixated on a book that looked over 500 pages long. He cleared his throat and the girl looked up at him in alarm. "I-is the day o-over already?" She stuttered, gathering her things. 

He was interested in the girl, having never seen her before. He wonders whether she was in any of his classes but she was just too quiet to remember clearly but nothing seems to come to mind. Before she stands, Harry speaks up, "No. I-I mean, yes, but it's not 5:00 yet so the schools still open to students." 

The girl just nodded, taking one last glance at Harry and then going back to her book. Harry wasn't done with the conversation and, quite frankly, he was bored.  He put the books on top of the shelf and sat down next to her. He heard her shaky breaths and furrowed his eyebrows, was she afraid of him?

"What are you reading?" He wonders but gets no reply. He huffs and starts to whistle. 

This really starts to rile Y/N up. She was always in the library after school because she didn't want to be anywhere near her home due to her alcoholic foster dad. She never bothered anybody because like her mother said many moons ago, you always get back what you put into the world. So throughout the day, she would mind her own business and try not to get on anyone's nerves just so she could have these two hours to herself. 

"You're rather quiet." He says. Y/N rolls her eyes, she hates it when people tell her that. Are people not allowed to be quiet? Is it weird to want to not talk? She could never understand it, people were just stating the obvious when they didn't need to. It's like going up to someone and saying 'your hair is blonde.' It was just a pointless statement to make in Y/N's eyes.

"Do you come here all the time?" Harry asks but still gets no response. He didn't think it was rude, he just thought she was quiet and that was okay with him. 

"Little Women." She whispers, wondering why he was so keen to get her to talk. She knew a lot about Harry. All the girls adored him and all the boys wanted to be him, she couldn't lie, she did have a little crush on him but he didn't have to know that. 

Harry looks down at the book and realised she had answered the question he asked before. He gave her a soft smile, "Is it good?" 

She nods straight away, "One of my f-favourites." 

"What's it about?" Harry didn't actually care but he adored the girl's soft voice and slight stutter when she spoke.

"Umm, Urr-" She tries to think of the most simplest way of explaining just so she wouldn't trip over her own words.

"Maybe you could just read it to me?" He questions. He blushed straight away, he felt weird asking that and didn't actually mean to say it but he was quite surprised when she nodded again and turned back to the front page. She was already halfway but she'd read it so many times it wouldn't really make a difference if she started to read it to her. 

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