all my favorite conversations

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Synopsis: A short blurb about a road trip with Harry

"Please Harry." 

"Baby, we already stopped an hour ago, check in is at 3pm and we're running behind schedule." Harry says, looking down at the timetable he had stuck up to the side of the wheel. 

He was OCD about timing and being on time so he would make schedules for important things so that he wouldn't be late. Unfortunately, Y/N was the opposite and wasn't the best at time keeping which meant she would be late for everything.

"I'm hungry though." Y/N pouts up at Harry.

"What about the pretzels we bought?" Harry asks, remembering he had packed Y/N snacks so she wouldn't ask to pull over all the time. 

"I ate them." She groans.

"Well what about the fruit snacks?" 

"I ate those too." 

Harry sighs, "Y/N, I packed enough snacks for us to get there in time so we could go out to eat when we got to the hotel." 

"I can't help that I have a big appetite!" She glares up at him. 

"Did you check the glove compartment, I keep extra snacks in there." Harry reaches over to open the glove compartment and sees an empty packet of chocolate cookies. "Y/N!" 

"What? I'm sorry I was hungry?" She retorts in a questioning voice.

Harry huffs and continues driving, trying to block out her pleading voice asking him to pull over at a service station so they could get something to eat. Eventually Y/N gives up and sits back in her seat with a pout on her lips.

Harry notices her silence and glances over at her as he continues to drive down the road. He feels guilt overcome him because he knew how grouchy she gets when she's hungry. He looks down at the satnav and sees the next service station was in another thirty minutes. He then glances down at his schedule  trying to figure out if they could make it on time to the hotel. 

"We'll stop at the next service station in thirty minutes." He speaks up, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

"Really?" Y/N's eyes brighten and Harry nods. "Yay! Harry you're the best. I'm going to get a pizza slice, ooo a slushie, maybe a chocolate bar aannd-" Harry laughs at her. It never seemed to make sense with how tiny she was how she could fit so much food in her body.

"Hey, Harry! Quit laughing." Y/N pouts, giving him the puppy eyes. Harry reaches for her hand and places a kiss on the back of it.

"I'm sorry my greedy baby." He jokes earning a glare from her.

As Y/N was happy she was going to be getting her food, she was back to her usual rambling self. "Harry you know, I think your mum is my new best friend."

"Oh? What makes you say that?" Harry smirks but feels a warmth in his heart. Y/N was shy and quiet and when they met she didn't have many friends her age and the people she was friends with were over seventy or covered in fur. 

Harry had told his mother all about Y/N the day after they met and introduced her to Anne only a week later. They got really close and had so much in common particularly their obsession with baking. Harry would often come home to Y/N sleeping on the couch and dozens of baked treats in the kitchen of his childhood house. 

"Well she invited me to help out with Gemma's baby shower next week and said I make the best vanilla cupcakes." Y/N gleams.

"She's got that right." Harry grins. 

"Can we get a dog?" Y/N quickly changes the subject. She always brings up the most random things at times.

"Baby, we already have Evie and Julia," he says, referring to their cats, "we don't need a dog right now." 

The pout returns again on Y/N's face, "Can we get a dog after the wedding?" She asks, hopeful.

Both of them instinctively look down at the diamond ring on Y/N's hand which was intertwined with Harry's between them as Harry drove down the road. It was an easy decision for Harry to make when he asked Y/N for her hand in marriage and happened only a year after they started dating. He knew she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and have their very own mini versions of themselves running around their house. 

"Lemme think about it." He says, knowing she'll forget about it in a few days.

"You know I should be mad at you." 

Harry's eyes widen, "What? Why? I already said we were getting snacks!" 

"No, last night you spent the whole evening packing! I didn't get to cuddle you before I went to sleep." Y/N looks from Harry and then back out the window of their car.

"Well I'm sorry little miss clutz, it's not my fault that you have the memory of a goldfish and always forget to pack something important that I have to drive home and get it."

Y/N's mouth widens, "I-I do not! That was one time!" 

"Try three times my darling." He says teasingly.

"Well I double checked this time. I'm sure you wasted an entire evening re-packing my bag for no reason when you could have cuddled me instead." Y/N crosses her arms.

Harry smirks, "Actually you forgot: your curlers, your pyjamas, your shampoo, your-"

"Okay, okay!" Y/N is quick to place her hand over Harry's mouth to get him to stop talking. "We get it." She removes her hand from his mouth.

"It's okay bubs, I'm use to you being a little forgetful flower." He coos. 

"Whatever, I hope you forget your condoms you floozy." She grumbles under her breath but Harry hears it perfectly.

"Oh you did not just go there!" Harry snaps his finger in a sassy motion.

Y/N tries to fight the smile on her face, "Oops I just did." She sticks her tongue out at him.

"Well I'll just have to fuck you without them." He smirks and Y/N blushes at his foul language.

"You would not!" She glares, he knows how worried she gets about not using protection. 

"Oh lemme correct myself bubs, I'll make love to you without them." He grins.

"Good luck doing that! I'll be getting my own hotel room." She retorts, thinking she had won with that statement.

"Looks like I'll be giving my bedtime cuddles to someone else then." Harry replies and Y/N looks at him gobsmacked.

"You wouldn't dare." 

Harry looks over at her and grins when he sees the angry look on her face, he's got her right where he wants her, "You're right baby, I wouldn't. Nothing compares to you." He kisses her hand again.

Y/N relaxes in her seat, "Good otherwise I'd have to give someone else a head massage." Harry chuckles as she knows just how much he likes her head massages after a long day at work. 

"I love you." He speaks up after a moment of silence. 

Y/N's eyes soften but as she's about to respond with 'I love you too', Harry turns into the service station and Y/N's face turns into one of excitement. "Finally, I'm so hungry!" 

Harry parks up and Y/N swings the door open, walking quickly into the store. He unbuckles his belt and shakes his head a smile lingering on his lips. 

All his favorite conversations were with her. 


Hello :3

Hope you enjoyed this short blurb. It wasn't the one I was planning on posting but the other one I'm writing is much longer than I expected!

Thank you for reading!

-Clo xx

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