give me a kiss

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Synopsis: Harry's being clingy.

They were sat on the couch, Y/N had her textbooks out and was studying for her next exam whilst Harry was laying on the couch watching TV. 

It was one of those days where it was raining outside and neither of them had much to do, so Y/N decided it was a perfect time to study and Harry just wanted to be near her.

He was watching a film but his eyes were switching between the screen and Y/N who was nibbling on her pen and writing down answers to question every now and again. She looked so cosy in his shirt and her sweatpants, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. 

"Baby," He spoke, his voice raspy from not talking for a while. She looks up from her notebook, "Hi." He grins.

"Hey bub." She laughs and goes back to doing her work.

Harry frowns, he wanted attention from her and she wasn't really getting the message. 

"Baby," He spoke again, "Babyyyy." He pushed her thigh with his sock covered foot. 

"Harry, I'm trying to study." Y/N mumbles, turning the page of her textbook.

"You've been studying for two hours! That's ages, c'mon give me some love." Harry cheekily grins, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Harry, you know I'm nervous about this exam tomorrow. I need to study." Y/N sighs, still not giving him the attention he wanted.

"And I need you." Harry pouts, this gets Y/N's attention when she sees the pout on his lips and the puppy dog eyes her often gives to only her.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" His eyes widening. 

"Give me that look." She narrows her eyes at him.

"This is the look I always give you, a sweet, loving look." Harry jokes and Y/N snorts.

"You're an ass." She shakes her head. 

Harry was getting impatient waiting for his kiss and decided to take the matter into his own hands. He stands up and grabs Y/N's textbook out of her hands, "Wha- Harry!"

He scoops her up into his arms and ignores her screeches as she struggles to get out of his grip. He drops her down on the bed and holds her arms above her head. He leans forward and presses a kiss to her lips, savouring the sweet taste of her strawberry Chapstick that coated her peachy, pink lips. "I just wanted to kiss you." He grins and falls onto the bed next to her, wrapping her in the blanket and cradling her face in his hands, placing a kiss onto her nose.

"Hmmm I guess this is a little better than reading about microbiology." Y/N hums, closing her eyes and feeling the warmth radiating from her boyfriend. 

"I'm so in love with you." Harry whispers, close to her face. Luckily, he was a big gum chewer so his breath was minty fresh otherwise Y/N would be throwing a fit. 

"I love you too bubba." Y/N replies, feeling absolute bliss from being with her favourite person.


Something short and sweet after the angst... 

-Clo xx

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