i need you to be healthy

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Synopsis: Y/N's bored and you're both self-isolating.






"What baby?" Harry looks up at Y/N from the book he's reading and tries not to coo at her cute face as her hairs in a messy bun and she's wearing her big glasses that she only uses at home because they're too big for her small head.

"I'm bored." She says, for the millionth time this week. Y/N and Harry had been self-isolating from the virus for a week in Harry's home in LA. They were supposed to be going back to London after last week but due to the outbreak, they had to stay home in LA.

"Why don't you put on a movie bub?" He tells her.

"I've already watched all the Harry Potter movies." She groans. "I think I'm getting fat from all the popcorn I ate."

"Well you'd still be gorgeous whatever size you are," Harry says, watching her eyes soften at is words.

"Stop. I love you." Y/N pouts and Harry leans over to press a kiss to her soft lips. "That still doesn't solve my boredom issue." Harry groans tilting his head back.

"Umm how about we bake a cake?" Harry suggests.

"We still have the leftover brownies we made the other day." 

"Okay, how about we dance to some music together?" 

"Mmmm not in the mood to dance." Y/N tries to think of something herself. "I could give you a makeover!" 

"I'm not letting you in the freezer again! Not after what you did last time." Harry says, referring to the time he let Y/N into his giant freezer where he stores all of his favorite outfits and she spilled her hot chocolate on his met gala outfit.

"Wha- it was an accident! You know it was." She pouts.

"Uh uh baby, I told you not to bring the hot chocolate in with you." 

"Well it's not like you took it off of me." Y/N grumbles under her breath.

"What was that love?"

"Nothing." She smiles sweetly. Out of nowhere, he sees Y/N crawl towards him and take the book out of his hand before finding a comfy spot on his lap. He looks down at her and sees her big eyes staring back at him. "I wanna go outside Hazza."

Harry sighs. He knows how much she likes the outdoors and how much she loves the sun and being by the beach that's only a five-minute walk from his home but he can't risk it. "Baby, I need you to be healthy. I'm not letting you get sick." 

"But it's okay Haz, we're not near any people." Y/N whines and Harry rubs his hand up and down her back.

"That's not the point lovie. The point is, I can't risk you getting sick. We've been told to stay indoors, you especially, and so that's what we need to do for however long we have to." He kisses her forehead. "I want you to be okay." Y/N hears Harry's voice crack and her eyes soften. 

"Oh Hazza." She wraps her arms around his shoulders and he finds a cozy spot in the crook of her neck before letting the tears fall from his eyes.

Since the outbreak, Harry had made sure that Y/N was safe and healthy at all times. He worried about her every second of the day and made sure to take both of their temperatures every morning just to be careful. 

You see, Y/N had severe asthma and even though it wasn't the worst thing anyone could have, it was still something that affected her on a daily basis, and with the virus affecting people with existing health conditions, he couldn't let her be exposed to it.

"I'm okay baby, I've been inside since the outbreak was announced. Nothing bad is going to happen." 

"I'm just scared. More people are getting-"

"More people but me not included." Y/N whispers, stopping him from thinking too much.

"You not included." He repeats, resting his forehead on hers.

"Mhm that's right." She presses a kiss to the tip of his nose and then to his lips, trying to get him to calm down. Y/N feels a slight sense of guilt for banging on about going outside and being bored. She knows he has her best interests at heart and all he wants is for her to be safe. 

"I know what will fix my boredom." She whispers in his ear.

"What's that?"

"Cuddles!" She giggles, making him laugh too.

"Well that's the best idea you've had yet." He says and picks her up to bring her upstairs to bed so they could cuddle in bed, safe and protected from everything else. 


Super quick one but I cannot stop thinking about being in isolation with Harry. 

It's a problem.

Please leave any requests or ideas, they're very much appreciated :)

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