why aren't you calling me baby? [REQUESTED]

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This is another requested Imagine, thank you to the person who sent it! I love getting requests and ideas from people so, as per usual, feel free to message me and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Synopsis: Harry acts different in LA and Y/N doesn't like it one bit.

It was a Wednesday and Y/N and Harry were in LA staying in his mansion that was hidden away from the rest of society, just how they liked it. They had just got back from London, where they usually stayed, but Harry had to come to LA for a few important meetings that he had scheduled before the release of Fine Line. 

Y/N had the option to stay back home in London but she knew she would miss Harry too much and she hadn't really been to LA before as her and Harry had only been boyfriend and girlfriend for six months as Y/N had to be in London for school, so she took up the oppurtunity to support her boyfriend and visit somewhere new. 

Y/N knew Harry had some friends living in his LA mansion, they were some of his song-writing friends who were also trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry. So, being the kind-hearted person he was, he let them stay in his home as it was far too big for him to be by himself. 

Y/N had already met Harry's London friends and she loved them just as much as they loved her. They were always teasing her and Harry about how clingy they were with each other but Harry loved to give all the affection to his girl, no matter who was in the room with them. 

She also found she had a lot in common with many of them, all of them spending many evenings together sitting in Harry's living room, drinking beer and listening to 70's music on vinyl. 

When they pulled up to the house in their uber, Harry was quick to get out the car and open the door for Y/N who's eyes were wide from the size of his house. She'd never seen anything quite like it before. 

"I'll grab your stuff baby. You head on in." Harry says and Y/N nods, hiding the anxiety she felt from having to meet more of Harry's friends. She was nervous when she met his friends back in London but for some reason she felt that feeling ten times worst now than she did back then and she had not idea why. 

Y/N walks up to the door and pushes it open, a bell going off as she does. "Ah right! Is that Hazza?" She hears someone yell from another room.

"Yes!" She hears another voice and footsteps running down the stairs. 

She sees four guys, all similar to Harry's age, bolting downsairs but they stop when they see that it's not Harry at the door but Y/N instead. "You're not Harry." One of them says and she shifts uncomfortably under their gaze. 

Well that wasn't the greeting she was expecting.

"There he is!" Someone bellows, a cheeky smile on his face. Y/N turns around and sees Harry carrying her suitcase as well as his up the path to the door. He smiles when he sees the four grown men and drops all of the luggage on the freshly mown grass. "There's my boy!" They all run at him and leap on top of him, all five of them laughing. 

Y/N bites her lip, trying to cover her smile. She loves seeing Harry around people that mean something to him. "C'mon we've got something to show you in the studio." One of them says, referring to the home studio he has.

Harry says something that Y/N doesn't hear and he walks up with his group of friends. Y/N moves out of the way for them as they walk past, not really acknowledging her presence. Harry stops by and Y/N smiles until he says, "Are you okay taking the bags in Y/N? I just need to see what they're yapping on about and then I'll be right up to help unpack." 

She furrowed her eyebrows, "But I have no idea where anything is?" 

"Oh my room is down the hall on the left." He says and kisses her cheek before walking off.

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