feeling bad is okay [REQUESTED]

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Requested by KaylaAshleigh123

I changed it up a little but I hope this is okay  :)

Synopsis: Y/N's sad and Harry's trying to cheer her up.

Y/N was really, really, really sad and she struggled to tell anyone about it.  

It started maybe a year ago when things started to pile on top of one another and it stressed her out. There was so much to do and only twenty four hours a day to do it and that just didn't seem enough. 

It was hard to come up with a routine when she realized how much time she needed to put into every aspect of her life in the span of a day. Because of this, she found herself skipping meals, lacking sleep and having mental breakdowns at the kitchen counter.

She had her job, school, relationships and so much more that she needed to maintain and it got to a point where all of it didn't feel fun anymore, it felt like a chore.  

Harry, her boyfriend, lived a few doors down. They were only young but acted like a married couple. He was the only one keeping her sane during the darkest times, yet he didn't know she was going through it.

Today was a bad day and Y/N just wasn't in the mood to face it.

The last few weeks had been good because she was getting things done but today was just one of those days where she woke up and felt the heaviest weight on her shoulders. Her brain felt like a rock weighing her head down and she just felt so low. 

Guilt consumed her. Harry has asked her on a date just the other day and since she was so happy in the moment she said yes. Harry always went all out when it came to date nights so she knew he had something special since they hadn't been out together for a while. 

She slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom she shared with her younger brother. She couldn't wait to finally leave home, as much as she loved her family, both she and Harry had decided they'd be moving in together for university and that made her more excite d for the future. 

She noticed the heavy bags under her eyes and began to nit pick all of the things she didn't like about her face. This was part of a bad routine and it was another indicator that today was just not the day. 

She walked down stairs and saw her mum at the counter, reading a magazine. "Hey sweetie, I made some pancakes if you want some." She smiled.

"No thank you, I'll just have a water." Y/N responded, taking out a bottle of water from the fridge. 

Her mum wanted to question her but brushed it off. Y/N was thankful she didn't ask any questions, it was hard for her to admit she was feeling down so she was lucky her mother didn't ask. 

When Y/N got back to her room, she flopped on her bed and pulled out her phone, seeing a text from Harry. 

Harry: Hey lovie, remember our date tonight! xx

Y/N smiled the smallest smile, she really did love him.

Y/N: Of course :)

She wrote back and put her phone on her nightstand. She looked at her wardrobe and considered choosing what to wear before her date tonight but the heaviness she was feeling put her off the idea and instead she decided she'd do it later and focus on her homework instead.

Y/N sat at her desk in her nightgown, her hair was still a mess and she hadn't even showered this morning. She was honestly surprised she'd even got out of bed. 

She checked the time and saw that it was an hour until Harry came to pick her up. She let out a huff and walked over to her wardrobe, a whole pile of clothes falling at her feet. She looked through every piece of clothing, chucking the things she didn't like behind her which was practically every item of clothing she owned. 

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now