it's a secret

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Synopsis: Y/N and Harry's daughter has a surprise Halloween costume

It was Halloween. 

For both Y/N and Harry, they were never rally fussed about the day since they never celebrated it back home in England but, since they were spending time in America this October for Harry's meetings, their little girl, Ari, was obsessed with it. 

Ari was four and wasn't a planned baby but she was loved nonetheless, as any baby should be. Both Harry and Y/N were young. Harry was twenty two and Y/N had just turned twenty but they had been dating for four years so it wasn't like they were planning on leaving anytime soon.

"Mummy, look!" Ari pointed at the window of a clothing store that was covered in cobwebs and decorated with carved out pumpkins. 

"Maybe we can have a look for your Halloween costume in there Ari." Y/N was about to walk into the store with Ari holding her hand but Ari pulled her back lightly and shook her head.

"I have a Halloween costume silly." Ari smiles, some of her teeth missing. 

"Oh do you now," Y/N smirked, crouching down to her daughter with their hands still holding each others. 

"Yes, I have but I'm not telling you because it's a secret." She grinned.

At the end of the day, Ari was sat on the sofa watching Casper the Friendly Ghost whilst Y/N was making dinner. They were waiting for Harry to arrive as usual. 

"Daddy!" Ari squeals, running to the door as a tired looking Harry walks in.

"Ari baby." He picks her up and spins her round. 

No matter how tired he was from a long day of meetings or at the studio, he always had time for his girls, especially his little Ari.

"Hey lovie." He walks over to Y/N and kisses her sweetly on the lips, "Smells delicious." He smiles, earning a grin from his girlfriend. 

As the small family of three gathered around the table for dinner, Harry began to speak, "So do we know what we're dressing as this year for the party?"

A good friend of Harry's had invited the family to their Halloween party. It was hard for Ari to get over because she wanted to go trick or treating but Y/N promised Ari that they would go trick or treating on the 31st considering the party was the day before. 

Harry had his costume set out and planned on going as Elton John where as Y/N planned on going as Allison from The Breakfast Club. "Well, I know what I'm going as but this little miss right here won't say a words about hers."

Harry looked over at his daughter who was smiling cheekily right back at him, "It's a surprise daddy." 

"Hmmm, it better be a good surprise." He acted suspicious of his daughter but was secretly entertained by the idea that she was only four and already planning surprises.

The day of the party, Y/N and Harry were getting ready in their room. Y/N laughed as Harry stood up wearing his costume and holding a baseball bat in his hands, posing with his leg up on the bed. 

"You look amazing Haz." Y/N exclaimed, giggling at his antics. 

Harry leans over to kiss her, "Thank you my love." His dimples appear on his cheeks as he flashes her a cheesy smile.

Soon, Ari comes in with her dressing gown on and her hair still in it's messy curls on top of her head. "Ari baby, why aren't you dressed?" Y/N asks as Harry picks up his daughter and rests her on his hip.

"I'm waiting for Harry to arrive." Ari said, looking down at her mum's phone she was playing with. "I texted him on mama's phone and he said he'd be here in fiiiive minutes." She explained both Harry and Y/N laughing at their daughter who acted like such a drama queen.

The doorbell rang from downstairs and Ari tried to wiggle out of her dad's arms. "That must be him!" They hear her footsteps run down the stairs.

"Hey, no running!" Harry yells from the bedroom, listening for her slowed down footsteps.

Y/N turned from her vanity to look up at Harry, "I can't believe I birthed a total drama queen."

Harry shook his head, "Don't know where she gets that from." He shrugs.

Y/N smirks, "Oh yeah?" She stands and reaches up to ruffle his hair but he catches her wrist just in time.

"Woah, hands off the prize." He says with wide eyes, tampering with his hair making Y/N let out a series of laughs.

Time was ticking on and the party had already started. It amused both Y/N and Harry that they were waiting downstairs for the arrival of their four year old daughter so that they could leave. 

"Ari baby, come on now. We need to go!" Harry says loudly up the stairs.

"Coming!" They hear her footsteps above them running down the stairs and as soon as their eyes land on their daughter, Y/N bursts out laughing and Harry looks at her in shock. "Do you like it?" Ari poses in the way that her father would. Y/N's face was bright red from laughing and Harry couldn't contain himself either. 

At the bottom of the stairs his four year old daughter stood, wearing the exact same outfit Harry wore on his 'Fine Line' album cover except it was made to fit her tiny form instead. She stood doing the famous pose that Harry did on the album cover and soaked in the attention she was getting from her parents. 

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(For reference) 

"What do you think Daddy?" Ari grinned her toothless grin as she waited for her father's approval.

"Oh baby, you look amazing." Harry spoke and picked her up in his arms. "You look just like daddy."

"How did you come up with this?" Y/N asked, shocked by the fact that her daughter was smart enough to come up with such a creative idea, she was half of Harry after all so it shouldn't have been much of a surprise. 

"It was Uncle Mitch's idea." Ari told them, playing with the sequins on her dad's outfit. 

"Of course it was." Harry rolled his eyes playfully. 

Y/N laughed, amused and completely in love with the two people she got to call her family. "Come on you two, let's go." They walked out of the door of their home and drove to the party.

Ari was receiving all the attention at the Halloween party and was definitely milking it when the photographer walked around taking pictures of everybody. She re-enacted the Fine Line pose more times than Harry had ever done and was flashing her toothless grin into the camera.

"She really is a mini version of you isn't she?" Y/N laughed as she slow danced with Harry, the pair of them adoring their crazy daughter.

"Can't argue with that." He shakes his head, laughing and watches his daughter as she poses in front of the camera for everyone to see just how much she loved her dad. 


I don't know about this one haha

Hope you enjoyed anyway :)

Thank you for reading!

All my love, 

-Clo xx

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