i understand [REQUESTED]

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Synopsis: Y/N has a poor relationship with food

*Trigger warning - Eating Disorder*

"Okay time to weigh in before Harry gets home Tiger." Y/N mumbles to her pet kitten as she walks to the bathroom where the weighing scales were.

It was part of her daily routine to weigh herself every single day, twice a day too - once in the morning and once in the afternoon. She had done it ever since high school and had yet to break the awful habit she had developed.

She stood on the dreaded scales and frowned at the number that appeared, it was higher than yesterday. "That's not good." She muttered, stepping off and then on again just to make sure the numbers were right.

Y/N felt tears prick her eyes as she placed the scales back in their spot in the bathroom. She felt the burning sensation in her stomach as she went to pick up Tiger, "No dinner for me today Tig." She sighs.

Tiger meows in protest but Y/N doesn't listen as she walks downstairs and feels lightheaded from the lack of food she had eaten today.

By having 'no dinner' what she really meant was not having the meal she was planning to eat. Instead she would succumb to a can of tomato soup just to make sure no asked any questions or turned skeptical over her actions.

She cooked Harry his favourite dish of salmon and wild rice with a side of kale and a lemon wedge. She couldn't deny the delicious smell of the cooked salmon but tried to push the hunger away as her brain tricked her into thinking it would do nothing but harm for her.

Y/N did all this believing that Harry wouldn't know anything of it. In fact, she believed for a long time that Harry wasn't suspicious of her actions and that she was doing such a good job of hiding her bad habits.

But Harry knew.

Harry had known for a week or so now and the only thing stopping him from talking about it was not knowing how to approach the topic. He didn't want to hurt her or upset her and he didn't want to make her feel guilty either but he needed to talk to her about it at some point because he cared for, he loved her.

It was almost impossible for him to concentrate during his meetings at the office today when all he could think about was what he wanted to say to his girlfriend. He had spent all week doing his research about how to talk to people with eating disorders worrying he'd say the wrong thing.

In the car ride home, he rehearsed the lines in his head as he followed the traffic back to her apartment.

"Baby, I love you and there is nothing in this world that I care about more than I care about you."

He parked the car in the parking area of the apartment complex and shut off the ignition, taking a deep breath and grabbing his stuff.

"I'm worried about you."

The phrase replays in his head over and over again as he takes the steps up to her apartment.

"I'm worried about you and I love you."

He opens the door and smells the meal he knew she was cooking just for him. It was the first thing he noticed after a while, how she'd cook him a meal and make herself a bowl of soup.

He walks into the kitchen and sees her swaying her hips along to the music playing on the radio as Tiger walks around with her. "Hey lovie," Harry smiles and snakes his arms around her waist, which had become a lot smaller over the last few months.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now