sticky notes on the refridgerator [REQUESTED]

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Synopsis: Y/N suffers from short term memory loss.

"Baby did you go to your dentist appointment like I told you?" Harry wonders as they sit across from each other at the kitchen counter.

"I had a dentist appointment?" Y/N furrows her eyebrows, not remembering anything Harry had told her in the last twenty minutes let alone what he had said this morning.

"You were getting your teeth checked after your tooth ache last week." He had to remind her.

"Oh no, I'll have to re-book it." She huffs, writing it in her notebook she carried with her everywhere she went.

Y/N suffered from severe short term memory loss. It was so bad to the point where sometimes she'd even forget who the people around her were, especially after meeting them within the first hour.

Harry had met Y/N outside a doctors clinic where he was getting fixed after sustaining an injury on stage. He was intrigued by her skittish nature and the innocence that radiated from her.

They had exchanged numbers and Harry wanted to meet her that same night but she never showed up. Thinking he had gotten ghosted from a girl he had taken a liking to, he sent her a quick text asking where she was and immediately received one back.

Y/N: oh my goodness!! I forgot I'll be down there in ten minutes 🧃🌿🌻😚💗🐱

Harry laughed to himself at her excessive use of emojis and waited outside the bar for her arrival. She came running towards him in skinny jeans and a white blouse, her cheeks red from walking quickly from her apartment to the bar.

Since then, Harry spent every day afterwards receiving numerous of texts with plenty of random emojis at the end of each text message and he also found out the reasoning behind Y/N's forgetful nature.

"I have memory loss." She explains, not really embarrassed by it since she had found a great comfort in Harry who was now her boyfriend. "Sometimes I have moments where I just forget things that have happened in the past day or even week. That's why I was at the doctors when we first met, because I was getting a brain scan to see if there was anything they could do to improve it."

Harry understood Y/N even more than her own parents could. He would send her texts reminding her of appointments or things she needed to do, leave sticky notes on the fridge in his scribbled handwriting or tie a little ribbon on her finger to jog her memory and help her remember what she possibly had forgotten.

 He would send her texts reminding her of appointments or things she needed to do, leave sticky notes on the fridge in his scribbled handwriting or tie a little ribbon on her finger to jog her memory and help her remember what she possibly had for...

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One time, Harry was on the radio breakfast show with Nick Grimshaw who simply adored Y/N as well. He was promoting his first solo single and it was the same day Y/N had to pick up her new dress for her promotion dinner at the dry cleaners.

"So here it is everybody, Harry Styles' new single-" before Nick could finish his sentence, Harry interrupted him.

"So here it is everybody, Harry Styles' new single-" before Nick could finish his sentence, Harry interrupted him

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