two ghosts

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Synopsis: Y/N moves into a new house with her parents and Harry hasn't left

It was autumn when the Michael's swerved round the corner of the road that was covered in leaves from the trees, making the road all slippery. Laurel, Y/N's father, had a cigarette in his mouth and his arm dangling out the car window as he kept one hand on the steering wheel. 

Y/N's mother, Betty, was putting on her red lipstick that became a signature look in their home town and would be something the old townsfolk wouldn't forget about the family of three who lived at the end of the road. 

Y/N sat in the back with a pout on her face and her arms crossed, glaring down at her shiny, black Mary Jane heels that were on her feet. She was wearing her new frock that her grandmother had bought her many moons ago and was constantly hoping for her father to drive faster around the corner so the car would swerve into a ditch. 

"Oh Y/N, please get that silly look off your face, you'll get wrinkled by the time you turn seventeen." Her mother said, her eyes looking at her through the reflection of the mirror.

"I refuse, I refuse to step a foot into that house." Y/N huffed, slightly shaking her head.

"You can sleep in the car if that's what you prefer?" Laurel said from the driver's seat.

"I want to go back to our old house. I want to see Timmy and go to school with all my friends. I want to go back to the post office with the bright, red post-box outside and get gummy worms from Mrs Angelo on a Saturday morning. I do not want to stay in a house older than Nanna Macey." Y/N huffed, knowing that nothing she said would make the car turn around. The least she wanted was a bit of sympathy from her young parents.

"My love, you can do all those things when we go back to visit Auntie Sophie in the holidays. You're going to make many new friends and you'll have lots of different places you can come to on the weekends or after school." Betty tried to lift up her daughter's spirits but it wasn't really doing much. 

Y/N didn't reply. She sighed and rested her head against the window, closing her eyes and hoping it was all some kind of nightmare. "Don't ruin this for us, Y/N. Your father worked hard to get into this position and it's our duty to support him."

"That's right, Y/N. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been able to get any of those gummy worms on a Saturday morning back in our home town." Laurel chuckled and threw his cigarette onto the road out of the window. 

After a few left turns, the car pulled up to a huge, iron gate covered in vines and ivy. "How do we get in?" Betty wonders as she cranes her neck to get a better look.

Suddenly, an old man in a waist coat comes out of nowhere and smiles at the family. "Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Michaels! I am the housekeeper Samuel. Welcome to your new home: Styles' Manor."

The gates open, the car moving down he drive at a steady pace. Y/N's eyes widen at the size of the house. It was enormous! A huge fountain stood in the middle of the driveway and the garden was overgrown and needed cutting down a bit but the house itself was magnificent. The windows were made of glass and some even had intricate little patters on them and the front door was made of hard wood, Samuel struggling to open it himself. 

"Not so upset about it now?" Y/N's mother smirked and nudged her lightly. Y/N huffed after finding herself in awe at how beautiful the house was. She grabbed her case and walked into the house, her heels clicking against the stone flooring. 

"Oh it's beautiful Laurel!" Betty smiled, placing the suitcases on the ground and looking up at the entryway. 

"I'm glad you like it love." Laurel comes up behind his wife and puts an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him and kissing the top of her head. "Y/N? What do you think?" 

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