just let me sleep

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Synopsis: Y/N can't sleep and Harry feels bad.

It's too hot. 

Y/N couldn't lie still under the covers that both she and her boyfriend Harry share. She was, at one point, wrapped in his arms and snuggled up into his bare chest listening to the sound of his soft snores that escaped his lips whilst he slept but the constant tossing and turning and sitting up and just fidgeting she was doing, she wasn't able to be in that position anymore. Y/N was jealous of Harry. How come he was allowed to sleep but not her? 

She tried so many things. She had changed her pyjamas so many times to try and find out which ones would help her get to sleep better. At first, she was wearing her super fuzzy pyjamas that Harry adored because he said it made her all cute and cuddly. He even called her his little teddy bear and would squish her rosy, chubby cheeks whilst pressing kisses all over her face. But when she got too hot she changed into her silk pyjamas that Harry got her for Christmas one year. They were a beautiful navy colour with pink detailing and she loved them. Normally, they were her favourite pyjamas to wear and always helped her get to sleep but this time they didn't work. 

Her last option was one of Harry's shirts. As much as she loved her pyjamas and would spend all day everyday wearing them, nothing could ever beat one of Harry's shirts. She would wear them all the time when Harry would go away on tour, even when she went out of the house she would style one of his shirts with a cute pair of jeans. She had already tried so many of them on that Harry's entire wardrobe was laid out on the floor in small piles. 

Nothing was working. 

Y/N sat on the edge of the bed wearing nothing but her pink cotton panties, a white vest top and her fluffy, grey socks. She was huffing and puffing and looking around at the mess she'd made. She looked over at the clock on her side of the bed to check the time, 2:45 am. She looked up at the ceiling and shut her eyes. 

Feeling frustrated, Y/N started to tear up at the fact that she couldn't sleep. She had had a busy day of babysitting her niece and all she wanted to do was lay in her bed next to Harry and stay cuddled up in his arms. 

Suddenly, she felt Harry move beside her. She wiped her tears away to make sure Harry didn't know she was crying but it was too late. "Y/N, baby, why you crying lovie?" Harry sat up and turned the lamp on. He tried to stop himself from falling back to sleep again. The blanket fell to his waist and he felt the cool air against his skin. 

Y/N turned around and Harry looked into her glossy eyes. His heart hurt. He always hated it when Y/N cried. "What's wrong?" 

Y/N sniffled, "It's too hot a-and I haven't been able to sleep since we got into bed and I've tried so many things Harry but nothings working and I'm so tired."

Harry felt awful that his baby was up and getting all frustrated whilst he slept fine. He opened his arms and immediately Y/N crawled over to him, lying on top of him and snuggling into his warm chest. "Why didn't you wake me before bubs? I could have helped you." He kissed her very warm forehead to which she hummed and could already feel herself slowly dosing off. 

Maybe she just needed Harry's voice.

"Didn't wanna wake you. Know you've had a busier day than me with your music." She mumbled.

"It doesn't matter baby, I'd happily stay awake with you every night... Well, maybe not every night because y' know I'd get a bit too tired but most nights." Y/N giggled at his rambling and shut her eyes as she listened to him talk even more. 

She was literally laying on top of him. Half of his body was lying under the blankets whilst Y/N's head rested on his chest. Their legs were intertwined, Harry's arms were completely wrapped around her so that she couldn't leave his grasp. Not that she'd ever want to. "Is there a reason my entire wardrobe is all over our bedroom floor?" 

Y/N's eyes widened and she lifts her head up to explain to Harry. "'s too warm, I was trying to find something to wear to help me sleep better. I'm sorry." 

"Hey, it's okay sweet girl." Harry kisses her nose making her heart warm. "No need to apologise." She calmed down a little and went back to her position on Harry's chest. She felt his hand move to her hair and slowly scratch her scalp making her feel like a little kitten. 

She was nearly on the verge of sleep but there was one tiny thing missing. "Can you sing?" She murmurs, her ear rests over his heart as she listens to the gentle sound of it beating.

"Course baby. Want me to sing the one I sang with for you yesterday?" He says, referring to the song he wrote for her a few weeks ago that he finally sang to her just the other day. He was nervous. It wasn't like the music he made before and she knew it was scary for him but she loved it and started crying when he finished. She'd never heard anything so beautiful in her entire life. "I love you, baby." 

"I love you, Harry." She reaches up to place a small peck on his lips which he happily accepts and then gets comfy on top of her lovely boyfriend before the sweet sound of his voice enters her ears. 

'I'll walk through fire for you, just let me adore you.' 

A smile lingers on her lips as she finally feels herself drift off to sleep. 


The next morning, Y/N wakes up in a good mood. She looks at the clock beside her which reads 9:04. She had slept for a good few hours and now she was feeling somewhat fresh. She turned over and saw that the other side of the bed was empty, which was normal for her when Harry was recording in the studio or away on tour.

Straight away she picked up her phone and called Harry, just to make sure he was okay since she always worried about him. He picked up on the second ring and she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw he wasn't in the studio. "Hi, baby." She blushed and cooed at his cute dimples that appeared on his cheeks. He looked adorable, wrapped up in a woollen beanie and a big, thick scarf due to the cold weather. 

"Hi Harry." She grinned and pulled the blanket up to her chest. "How come you're not in the studio?"

"I called the guys and said I couldn't make it today. Decided I wanted to spend time with you and cuddle since you're probably still a bit sleepy." Y/N felt a smile creep up onto her face. 

"But where are you?"

"Oh, I figured since you had a rough night I would make your morning a 'lil better and get you your favourite breakfast from Duke's." Y/N didn't think it was possible for her heart to warm even more but she felt like it was on fire now. "I'll be home in a little while lovie."

"Okay, I love you!" 

"I love you more." 

She was so lucky that she was his. 

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