fluffy pink socks

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Synopsis: A short blurb about Y/N's fluffy socks and lack of attention.

"Hazza looooookk!" Y/N runs into Harry's office wearing her new fluffy, flamingo pink socks that she bought from an Instagram ad. 

"In a second baby." Harry doesn't look up as he types up a new document on his computer. He's been working all day. Y/N thought that 'working from home' meant cuddles and movies all day and maybe even sex but clearly he literally meant working. 

Y/N huffed and sat on the chair opposite his desk. It was one of those chairs that spins so she put her feet up on his desk and started moving left to right on the chair whilst humming a tune out loud. 

He still wasn't looking at her.

She thought he would love her new socks. He always compliments anything Y/N gets online and today was one of those days where she wanted to be showered in compliments by her lovely boyfriend which meant not stopping until he expressed his love for her new fluffy socks.

"Harrryyyyyyy." She wines and Harry groans before looking up from his laptop. Y/N seizes the opportunity and wiggles her little toes so that Harry notices the pink socks on her feet.

"Wow." He says, unenthusiastically before going back to typing.

Y/N's eyebrows furrow in anger and a pout forms on her lips as she crosses her arms and storms away from his office unhappy with the lack of attention. 

When it was time for bed, Y/N put on one of Harry's cosy shirts and still wore her fluffy, pink socks before wrapping herself in the soft blankets and laying her head on the pillow. It was only nine thirty but she was already so tired, she wasn't  very good at staying up late. 

She was still upset that Harry hadn't come and talked to her or even looked at the fluffiness on her feet. She spent a lot of time trying to find socks like these to add to her huge collection and he didn't  even care. 

Trying to forget about it, she shuts her eyes and falls into a deep slumber. 

"Angel," Y/N hears a low voice and curls into herself as she wines at the person who woke her up from a peaceful sleep. "C'mon baby, miss you so much."

"S your fault, you were too busy working from home." She tried to ignore his touchy hands and the smell of his minty breath hitting her cheek as she tried to get back to sleep again.

"Just wanna cuddle you. Can't sleep without cuddling you baby love." He then resorts to kissing every inch of her face when she doesn't fully wake up which makes her giggle and try to hide her face. 

Soon, he had her rolled on top of her with her chin resting on his chest and her big eyes peering up at him. He feels bad for waking her up but then again he just wanted to hold his baby. He runs his fingers through her hair when she rests her ear against his heart beat and she purrs, feeling like a little kitten. Y/N then remembers that she shouldn't be  allowing this to happen because Harry was mean to her. 

He didn't care about her fluffy socks.

Pulling away she huffed and rolled back onto her side of the bed, covering her head with the blanket and ignoring her want to go back to their previous position. "Baby, what you doing?" Harry asks, reaching for her under the covers. 

"Stop, 'm trying to be mad at you." 

"Wha- why you tryin' to be mad at me?" This just made her even more mad.

"I can't believe you don't even know why!"

He's so confused, "Angel, baby I don't know why you're huffing and puffing. I told you I had a lot of work to get done." 

"It's not about the work." Y/N says.

"What is it then love?" Y/N pulls the  blankets off of her head and sits up. Harry can't help but coo at her messy hair and cute pout that made her look like a little puppy. 

"You didn't  look at my new socks." Harry tried not to laugh. Only his girl would get mad at something like socks. 

"I'm sorry," Harry couldn't help but let out a laugh which made her pout even more. 

"Not funny!" She groans and falls back onto the bed.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry I didn't look at your socks. Can I see them now?" He asks.

"Hmmm" Y/N thinks, wondering if he even deserved to look at her beautiful socks but one look at his face had her caving in. "Okay." 

She takes her legs out from under the bed and shows the pink, fluffy socks to Harry who grabs both of her feet and pulls her onto him, so that she's now straddling him. "These might be the most fluffiest, prettiest socks I've ever seen!" He says which makes Y/N blush. "Mean it baby, I love them. Wish I saw them sooner."

"You could have if you paid attention to me." 

"I'm sorry angel. I promise to give you all of my attention tomorrow and we'll go out and buy all the fluffy socks we can find." 

"OOoo can we get matching ones Hazza?" She begs and Harry inwardly groans, he's not the biggest fan of wearing fluffy socks because they make his feet sweat too much but he wanted his love to be happy.

"Of course bub." He says, making her cheer and lean over to kiss every inch of his face.

"I love you." 

"I love you too baby." 

She couldn't wait to add more fluffy socks to her collection but she was more excited to spend a day with her boyfriend who she loved even more than a  pair of fluffy socks. 


Sometimes when I write Y/N I actually write MY name. 

I'm about to go to bed and I thought of this whilst putting on my fluffy socks phaha.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now