i miss u facetime me pls

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Synopsis: Y/N's feeling really clingy and Harry's a million miles away

"Harryyyyyy!" Y/N yelled into the empty house she shared with her boyfriend. He had been on tour for a month and Y/N was already feeling the emptiness she felt every time he left.

She was yelling his name in hopes of a reply because she really did miss him that much. It was a weird thing she did when she needed him. She would just shout out his name and hope he would come running up the stairs to give her a big hug.

As the day went on, Y/N felt the heartache of missing a loved one and decided to call him. She didn't know if he were busy or not but right now she didn't care. She just needed to hear him and see him and even though it wasn't possible right now, she really needed to hold him.

So she got into the shower, brushed her towel dried hair and put on her lilac pyjamas before getting under the covers so she could face time Harry.

"C'mon Haz." Y/N mumbled as she waited for an answer.

Eventually the screen went from black to a confused looking Harry taking over the entire screen.

Eventually the screen went from black to a confused looking Harry taking over the entire screen

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Y/N giggled at the confused look on his face as he tried to work FaceTime on his phone. Harry was an old man when it came to his phone and Y/N knew that first hand. She remembered when he accidentally sent her a picture of his shoes when he was off to a meeting and on another day when he butt dialled her during a different meeting.

"Hey Hazza!" Y/N spoke cheerily and could even hear herself on the other end of the phone.

"Oh wait baby, let me turn the volume down." Harry said and a moment of silence occurred as he put the volume down on his phone and plugged his earphones in instead. "Hey baby!" Harry grinned.

Y/N melted at the sound of his voice that she missed so much. "I missed you!" Y/N smiled, taking in her boyfriend on the screen who looked tired and dishevelled, probably from the long nights with touring and stuff.

"Oh I miss you too my love, I wish I were home with you. It's been a nightmare sleeping on the bus again. After years you would have thought I'd be use to it by now." Harry spoke, feeling relaxed that he had his girlfriend on the phone to him and her could see her beautiful face.

"Don't worry bub, only four weeks until you get to come home for a little while." Y/N's eyes peered up at her calendar that she was slowly crossing the days off of.

"How are you doing baby? I'm sorry we haven't been able to call that much recently." Harry pouts and Y/N just wanted to give him a kiss.

"I've been okay. Works been a bit hectic and the house is a little quiet." Y/N lies a little. She's not been doing great but if Harry knew he would worry and want to come home.

"I spoke to mum this morning, she said you stopped by..."

"Oh." Y/N realised she'd been caught in the act, although it wasn't surprising since she'd never been able to hide things from Harry since they met.

"Baby, if you ever need help then all you have to do is call me." Harry's eyes soften.

"I-I want to but I don't want to worry you." She looks down at her hands.

"It's alright lovie, I miss you a lot and I count down every day until I get to hold you again."

"Harryyyy" Y/N tries to stop the grin from appearing on her face but it continues to grow as she talks to him.

"I love you. Now tell me how you use these new FaceTime features apparently you can make yourself look like a baby." His brows furrow and Y/N giggles.

"Oh my goodness Haz, I'm not doing this now. You only just learnt how to use Animoji's the other week and now they're flooding my phone!" Y/N rolls her eyes but continues to smile.

"The frog ones suit me particularly well." Harry smirks and Y/N bursts out laughing, Harry loving the sound of her laugh even if it was through the phone with poor connection. A smile even appeared on his face from how much happiness radiating from her.

The conversation continued into the night with Y/N falling asleep and Harry waiting until he could hear the soft snores that he missed hearing as he fell asleep next to her

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The conversation continued into the night with Y/N falling asleep and Harry waiting until he could hear the soft snores that he missed hearing as he fell asleep next to her.


Short and sweet hehe :^)

-Clo xx

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