less of a blurb more of a diary entry.

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Synopsis: Y/N cares too much about everything so she pushes Harry away.

some angst and that.

Harry: Please talk to me.

Harry: I don't understand why your doing this.

18 missed calls from Harry

Harry: You can't leave me like this.

Harry: Just give me an explanation. What did I do wrong?

Harry: I love you.

27 missed calls from Harry

Harry: You know what, fine. If this is what you want then fuck you. 

33 missed calls from Harry

Harry:  I didn't mean that baby, I'm sorry, I love you. Please answer me

Harry: I'll give you space. 

It's been a month.

A month of him texting and calling me and leaving messages every day on my answerphone. I feel like a horrible person but it had to be done.

I had to let go of him. 

I had to let go of the person I love because of how terrible of a person I am. I left him with no explanation besides the fact that I wasn't happy, which is only a small part of the bigger picture. He didn't deserve it but I couldn't stand there and tell him the pathetic reasons I had in my head as to why we couldn't be together anymore. 

"Y/N open this door!" I jump when I hear the sound of knocking at my door. I switch the stereo off and put down the tiny watering can that I use to water my succulents so I can hear the voice. "Talk to me baby." 

I already feel tears in my eyes and my heart racing when I hear the sound of his voice. He's called, texted, left voicemails but he has yet to come to my house. So I was surprised bu extremely nervous as to why he was suddenly here. 

I walk to the front door and press my ear against it.  "I miss you so much." He says quietly like he knows I'm on the other side of the door. I press my palm against the door and wrap my hand around the door handle, taking a deep breath and opening the door to see my now ex-boyfriend standing on the other side.

He stands there with bags under his eyes and his hair all disheveled. He wears grey sweatpants and baby pink skater vans that I bought him for Christmas one time. He looks up at me with tired eyes and a soft look on his face, not a hint of anger.

My sympathetic eyes look into his and suddenly I find myself angry, why did he have to be here? "What are you doing here Harry?" 

"I had to see you." He says.

"I told you, we're done. You can't keep trying to contact me."

"You said we weren't together anymore, you never said we couldn't talk ever again." He argues.

"But I need time to recover and you're not allowing me that." 

"Recover? You wanted this!" His voice raises and I know this is about to get heated. We somehow find ourselves in my kitchen which is the exact place where  I told him we couldn't be together anymore.

"I-I wanted this? I didn't want any of this. I never wanted to break up with you. I had no choice!" I nearly yell, frustrated that he would blame me for this. 

"Then why the fuck would you do it? Why would you stand there and tell me you didn't want me anymore. Why did you stand there and rip me apart like that after three years? Do you not love me anymore?" 

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now