best friends brother

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Synopsis: Y/N is quiet and Harry is her best friends brother. 

"Harry have you seen my blue shirt, you know, the one I wore to nana's last weekend?" Harry's sixteen year old sister, Morgan, asked. 

Harry had just come back from university in Manchester which is nearing five hours away from where his family lived in the seaside town of Brighton. He was visiting his mum and Morgan over the summer and today was the day Morgan would be introducing her new best friend to him. 

Since Harry lived in Manchester, he had never met any of Morgan's friends not that he particularly wanted to but Morgan loved her best friend and he liked the fact that she had someone to hang out with when he wasn't home. 

"Why would I know where it is?" Harry smirked, he knew it was in the dryer after he did his laundry yesterday. 

"I can't find it anywhere! Y/N will be here any minute and I have nothing to wear." She frowns and storms downstairs. 

"Maybe you should check the dryer!" Harry calls from upstairs and she hears her grown.

"Asshole!" Morgan yells and he chuckles to himself, carrying his book in hand and walking to his room. 

Y/N was at home and curling her hair in front of the mirror in her room. She was wearing her favorite white dress with a brown belt around her waist. Her hands were a little shaky as she pulled the curling iron away. One of her fingers came in contact with the hot object and she hissed, dropping it on the floor.

"Y/N you alright honey?" Y/N's dad, James, came rushing into her room.

"I-I'm okay dad." She stutters, focusing on the small burn on her hand. 

"You look lovely Y/N." James grins. He was a single father and Y/N's best friend, besides Morgan. Y/N's mother died in a car crash when she was very young so she grew up with the company of just her father. 

It was a struggle at first but James got there with time and patience and Y/N could not be more thankful to the universe for giving her such a loving father. 

"Thanks dad." Y/N blushed, looking down at the ground and then up at her father.

"Are you ready to go? It's almost twelve." James asks.

"Yeah, I-I'll be down in a minute, I just need to grab my bag." She nods and James walks off to wait downstairs for her. 

Y/N put on her black, high top converse and gives herself one last look in the mirror. She blew out a long breath and sighed knowing this was as good as it was going to get. 

Y/N walked downstairs and felt the wave of anxiety come over her. Y/N knew that Harry was going to be there after Morgan told her just yesterday and since then she felt herself on edge and overthinking everything. 

Harry had never met Y/N but she had met him, well not with the whole formal introduction but she saw him in the crowd at her year 8 graduation. He was there for Morgan and she was only thirteen at the time but all she remembered was his pink lips smiling at his younger sister and his green eyes crinkling as he laughed at Morgan's thank you speech. 

She never told Morgan but she had the tiniest crush on him for a month or two after that only for it to fade when she never saw him again. 

But Harry was a lot older than her and he was practically a man now, he probably looked a lot different than how he did three years ago and Y/N could only hope that he had gotten uglier so she wouldn't crush on her best friend's brother. 

Morgan was pottering around the house as she grew impatient waiting for Y/N to arrive. Charlotte, Harry and Morgan's mother, had finished laying out the table for lunch and Thomas was sat in his chair reading the newspaper.  Harry was outside, sat in the shade in a hammock, reading his book with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. 

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