he's so pretty in the morning.

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Synopsis: Y/N admires Harry in the early morning.

It's six thirty in the morning and Y/N cant't fall back to sleep again so she decided to stay awake.

It's summer and the sun is already peaking through the curtains of Y/N's little house that she lives in in the middle of nowhere.

Y/N looks over at Harry and see's he is still asleep so she gets up to make herself a cup of tea. She puts on one of Harry's shirts and her cosy pink slippers before walking into her little kitchen and putting the kettle on.

After making a delicious cup of peppermint tea in the mug Harry bought her from his South America tour, she walks back into her room, or their room as she likes to say, and she sits cross legged on the bed. She puts her glasses on before grabbing a book she's been reading. She sits on her side of the bed but faces Harry because she loves seeing him there.

She loves that he's asleep beside her and she doesn't have to phone him when she misses him because all she has to do is turn over and wrap her arms around him.

Y/N starts to read her book in silence. Nothing is heard but the soft breaths escaping Harry's lips. She smiles and peers over her book to take a look at her handsome boyfriend.

His curls are everywhere and his lips are all pouted and plushy. His cheeks are a little pink and his eyes are screwed shut. Y/N realised he's latched onto one of her pillows, probably thinking it's her from when she left to make some tea. She's tempted to wake him up, knowing she'll be able to hear his raspy voice that she adores in the early morning.

"Stop staring at me." He says, trying to hide his smirk. Y/N swears she can feel her heart beat ten times faster at the sound of his voice.

"Sorry you're just too pretty." Y/N whispers, cautious of the fact that he'd just woken up.

Harry's eyes open and he smiles up seeing his pretty girl wearing glasses and looking as natural as ever. He loves her so much. "Give me a kiss peaches." He orders wanting to feel his girl.

Y/N leans over to give him a peck on the lips but she squeals when he wraps his arms around her causing her to lie on top of him.  He places kisses all over her face and grins as her giggles fill the room.

Harry worships mornings like this and takes in every second because when he's on tour, he tries to imagine these exact moments. "You're prettier." He pecks her nose.

"Harry, be original." She says making him chuckle.

"I'm sorry my love, should I recite some Shakespeare for you?" He jokes but doesn't expect her to say yes.

She grabs the book she's reading and he reads the title. 'A midsummer nights dream.'  Is written on the old book.

"I love hearing your voice in the mornings." She tells him and all he does is look into her beautiful eyes and wonders how he got so lucky.

"Okay. Snuggle up peaches." He tells her and she rests her head in the crook of his neck and wraps her arms around his neck as he holds the book up in his hand and opens to the first page.

The sound of Shakespeare is heard in his raspy voice as the birds chirp outside. Y/N can't stop the smile that rests on her face at his different tones of voice for the different characters he reads.

They both treasure mornings like this.

Just a short lil thing that I imagined this morning.

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