don't wanna embarrass you.

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Synopsis: Y/N meets Anne for the first time and accidentally falls into subspace. 

"H, I don't know if I can do this." Y/N says for the tenth time since leaving the house. They were already five minutes away from Anne's house and it was an hour and a half drive there so they couldn't turn back. 

Y/N's legs had been bopping up and down the whole time, Harry tried to comfort her by putting a hand on her knee but then she resorted to biting the skin on her finger which Harry would always get annoyed at so he watched as she shook with nerves. 

"Baby, m' mum's not gonna hurt you. She's a lovely lady and I know she's gonna love you so much."

Y/N was never good at meeting the parents. She's only ever had to meet the parents twice before and both times something went wrong. The first time she ended up spilling wine all down her pretty dress and the boy's mother found her clumsiness unappealing. The second time she had to put up with a dog which meant she had itchy eyes and a runny nose the whole time she was there.

But with Harry it was different. Y/N loved Harry so so much and she didn't want to lose him. She knew just how much his mother's opinion means to him so that meant she couldn't mess up. 

When they got to the little house in Holmes Chapel, Harry got out and walked over to Y/N's side. She hadn't even noticed he was standing there until he knelt down in front of her and grabbed onto her sweaty hands which she kept in her lap. "Baby, you have nothing to be nervous about. I love you so much and nothing will change. I don't know what you're worried about though, mums gonna adore you."

Y/N listened as Harry spoke but as he continued, she felt her brain get a little bit hazy.

Harry helped her out of the car and told her to go knock on the door but she was just too scared, so instead, she clung onto Harry for dear life as he tried to get the bags out of the car with one hand. 

As they walked up the steps, Y/N could feel herself getting hazy. "Da-" but before she could speak, the door opened and standing in the doorway was Anne wearing a grey dressing gown. 

She had a huge smile on her face and held Harry tight in her arms. Harry had to let go of Y/N's hand though, which made Y/N internally whine and want to wrap her arms around him and snuggle him like a little koala bear. 

After Harry and Anne's little reunion, Anner turns to face Y/N and smiles equally as much. "You must be the famous Y/N. It's so lovely to meet you!" She hugs Y/N tightly and she hugs back but doesn't feel right. She just feels so floaty.

"I-it's nice to meet you." Y/N says and Harry's eyes widen when he hears her voice go a little more high pitched than normal. 

He knows.

Harry quickly places his hand around her waist, allowing her to get a bit closer to him. He can't do much right now without giving anything away to his mum but the one thing he can do is let her feel him, which is exactly what she needs right now. 

He was worried about her. She had never fallen into subspace in a situation like this before and he felt awful for underestimating just how nervous she felt. He was quick on his feet and needed to think of a way to get both of them alone. 

"Mum, think it would be alright if we got into some different clothes? Been a long journey." He says and Y/N doesn't say anything just looks at a shiny object that sits on the mantlepiece.

"Of course, love. I'll put the kettle on." Anne smiles. 

Harry leads the way, finding his old childhood bedroom easily. He places their bags onto the floor and quickly pulls his baby into him. "Why didn't you tell me you were all floaty baby?"

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