i love u for all u are [REQUESTED]

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Synopsis: Y/N loves her boyfriend but she loves girls too

Y/N and Harry were at a night club for Louis' birthday.

The two had been together for eight months and were yet to leave the honey moon phase. It was the first time either of them had been in a proper relationship before and for both of them it was a new experience, an extended period of learning about each other and finding out new things.

For Y/N opening up was a challenge whereas Harry was the complete opposite. They were friends before they had turned lovers and met through a mutual friendship with Louis.

Harry was bisexual and Y/N knew that from the day they had first made eye contact. He walked into the bar with a man beside him and after that night she never saw him again.

Harry continued to make crude jokes about his experience with both men and women, just to see the blush on her cheeks and the discomfort she felt from hearing his vulgar language.

Soon, Harry was trapped in Y/N's web and found himself falling for the girl. He didn't even think it were possible for him to get into a relationship considering his morals and his hatred for the concept due to personal experience.

Y/N really changed him and all his friends noticed. He was calm around her, sweet even, he kissed her whenever she was near and had to be holding her at any given moment. What surprised Louis the most was that he actually gave him a birthday present this year.

"What is it?" Louis wonders, shaking the present.

"Just open the fucking gift." Harry huffs, getting impatient. Y/N gives him a gentle slap to the wrist, causing him to roll his eyes.

Louis opened the small package containing a blue box with a silver chain inside. "Wow," Louis speaks, eyes wide in surprise at how nice the gift actually was. "I'm gonna assume Y/N picked this one out?" He chuckled under his breath.

"Actually Harry picked it out, he-" before Y/N could continue speaking, Harry placed his hand over her mouth.

"Okay pretty princess, that's enough with that." He says, not wanting to reveal it was him who bought the gift for Louis.

Louis shook his head, trying to hide his smile, "Well thank you Y/N...and Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes, feeling discomfort from the amount of sappiness going on around him. He cleared his throat, "I'm going to get another drink." He mutters.

"Oh can I come! My legs are all cramped for sitting down for too long." Y/N pouts up at him.

He pretends to think about it for a second before responding, "Of course you can kitty." He kisses the top of her head, taking a hold of her hand and keeping her nearby as they walk to the bar.

Y/N sat down on a stool whilst Harry waited for the bar tender to come over to take their order. He checked his back pocket to pull out his wallet before sighing, "Hang on baby, I left my wallet at the table."

He leaves Y/N waiting by the bar. She looks around at her surroundings and spots someone sat nearby. Y/N admired her from afar looking at her long blonde hair that cascaded down her back and the way her dress fit on her body, hugging her curves.

She must have been staring for a bit too long, her gaze burning holes into the stranger as the woman looks up and smirks at Y/N. Her cheeks turn bright red and she quickly looks away, her heart beating in her chest.

Y/N bites her lip, looking down at her intertwined fingers and trying to keep her tears at bay. She felt awful. She had been having these feelings for quite some time now and had yet to tell Harry.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now