my heart beats for you [@dyandrabnzvrt]

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Hello! Here is the second entry for my imagine competition. I really liked the storyline for this one and the ending was soo cute!! All credit for this one goes to @dyandrabnzvrt thank you so much for entering the competition and taking time to write something :) the last entry will be going up tomorrow!

TW: Violence, abuse, miscarriage, suicidal thoughts

It's been three weeks since Harry and Y/N last see each other. This is the longest time they haven't spoken to each other. Ever since he met Y/N, they've been talking nonstop. Whether be it a text, a call, or a FaceTime.

Harry met Y/N around seven months ago when Grimshaw introduced him to her. After Clare decided to leave his band, he was searching for someone to play the keys and sing. Long story short, Grimshaw knew someone whose niece can do both. She's still in uni but was already in her last semester and is currently finishing up her thesis. Y/N was reluctant at first because singing and playing keys were merely a hobby, but eventually, she accepted the offer.

He was glad when she accepted the offer because he was quite taken with her the moment he laid his eyes on her. It wasn't like love at the first sight—more like an infatuation at the first sight. Though it was a rather complicated situation for Harry at that time, given the breakup wounds are still fresh. But Y/N was pretty—beautiful, even. If anyone says otherwise, they must've had some serious eye problem. Thank goodness Harry didn't need to have his eyes checked because he was pretty obvious about having a little crush the moment he met her. Even Grimshaw noticed and Harry didn't mind admitting it to him as soon as they left her uncle's diner where they met the first time.

Harry felt empty for not talking to Y/N for weeks. Well, at first he did send her texts, but her answers were short, then after a few days, he got no reply at all. It felt too odd.

Which is why he decided to drive up to her in Manchester right this very second. And for that, he got an earful from Gemma because he was supposed to be in his childhood home for their mum's birthday tomorrow.

"Gem, seriously, it's just a few hours from home," Harry said to the phone. "I'm just a few minutes away from her uncle's diner. I need to check on her first."

"Wait, I thought she quit her job at her uncle's cafe when she joined your band?" The older sister asked.

"She is, but not until when we leave for album promos and tour," he answered. He turned the wheels as he entered the parking lot. "Look, I'm here now so I'll have to hang up. But I'll be home in—" He abruptly stopped in mid-sentence when he saw Y/N outside with a man that looked like he was grabbing her forcefully. He hung up on her and quickly jumped out of his car.

"Theo, just stop. There's nothing you can say that could make me change my mind about you." Harry heard her faint voice from a distance.

"Please, Y/N. Just this once and I'm never going to—"

"Hey!" Harry shouted, interrupting whatever conversation they have.

But that didn't stop the man from finishing what he said as he kept his arms tightly around Y/N's arms. "Y/N, please. Just hear me out first—"

So Harry had done the unthinkable. He punched him.

"HARRY!" Y/N screamed.

The unknown man got up and was about to walk up to Y/N, but Harry threw another punch before he could even get to her. "You didn't seem to get the hint that she doesn't want to be near you."

He grabbed his collar and about to throw another punch, but Y/N quickly stepped in front of him. "HARRY, STOP!" Y/N held his shoulder and bicep altogether. He quickly shifted his gaze towards Y/N. Scared spread across her face, tears brimming down her pretty eyes.

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