a short blurb about y/n in subspace

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Y/N was in subspace.

Her and Harry were at it all afternoon and today he had gone particularly hard on her, with her consent of course. She was so dazed and in a cloud of utter bliss that she had fallen right into her subspace and Harry was actually very happy about it.

He loved whenever he got the chance to look after her especially after being so rough after sex. It was in subspace where the most intimate of moments would happen with light touches and skin on skin, whispering how in love he was with her and so on.

She was so high up in the clouds that her eyes were shining with pure innocence and love. He wanted nothing more than to swaddle her in blankets and keep her safe from the world.

"Hey baby, are you with me love? Are you floating baby?" Harry asks, the first thing he does is try to get a response from her. He wants to make sure she knows exactly what's happening when she's in such a vulnerable state.

As he says this, he quickly pulls on his boxers and grabs the sippy cup full of water and a fruit snack from the box he keeps in his bedside table. Y/N can't do much when she's in subspace so the sippy cup was necessary for Harry to give her water and make sure she was hydrated and fed without spilling it on the sheets.

Y/N reaches out and whines when she doesn't feel Harry anywhere near her. "You're okay, I'm right here baby." He reaches out and places her on his lap. She was still bare but he was concentrating on making sure she was fed and hydrated first. He places the sippy cup to her lips and tries to get her to drink from the cup whilst rubbing his finger tips into her scalp.

She places her hand against his chest and sighs in relief at the feeling of his skin. When he pulls away to place the cup onto the nightstand, she's immediately whining at the loss of contact. Harry chuckles under his breath, "It's alright I'm here, Harry's here." He murmurs, parting her lips so she can eat the fruit snack.

Y/N pulls his wrist away, not wanting to eat anything, "Daddy's here." She whispers to herself.

Harry shakes his head and lifts up her chin so she's looking at him. He feels her heart racing against him and furrows his eyebrows when he sees just how deep she is, "Harry now angel, hmm? It's Harry baby."

She shakes her head, "Daddy please." She starts to tear up a little and immediately he's pulling her in close, running his hand up and down her bare back.

"It's Harry baby love, do you want to take a bath? Will that help? No more tears, you know I get upset when I see you crying." He hums.

"Upset? Daddy's upset?" She whimpers, rubbing her eye and pouting up at him.

Harry pulls her hand away from her face, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Harry's not upset darling, anything but upset. Let's take a bath now yeah?"

She nods and clings onto him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. He carries her on his waist and she sucks on her thumb, giggling as she plays with Harry's curls with her other hand.

Harry fills the bath tub with bubbles and a nice lavender scented bath bomb whilst holding onto Y/N. When the bath is full enough, he checks the temperature and decides it's a little to hot. He walks back to their bed and sits down with Y/N on her lap.

"Feeling a little better my love?" He tucks her hair behind her ears and kissing her lightly on the lips, "I love you so much you know that? Such a pretty girl, I'm so lucky to have you." She sighs and relaxes into his embrace as he continues to whisper things into her ear.

Soon, Harry and Y/N are in the bath completely relaxed. Y/N's finally coming down from her sub space as Harry kisses her soft skin and keeps her safe.

"I love you Harry." Y/N murmurs, holding tightly to his hand.

"I love you angel." Harry replies and the two of them spend the rest of the night cuddled up in bed.


So this isn't anything new... I actually posted this to tumblr ages ago.

I won't be posting this weekend but didn't want to leave you with nothing so I'm reposting this here.

I have exams next week so I won't have time to write anything new in that time, I'm also working on a separate project that I'm a lil nervous about but I get nervous about everything so nothing new there :p

I hope you're all doing well, let's start a conversation in the comments :))

Thank you for reading!

All my love,
Clo xx

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