are you stressed my love?

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Synopsis: Y/N pampers Harry after a stressful day.

It was late in the evening and Harry and Y/N were watching TV on the couch. Harry had his head resting in Y/N lap as she tangled her fingers through his curls. His eyes fluttered shut and he let out a hum of content as he payed no attention to what was on the TV. 

"Are you stressed my love?" Y/N asked him, happy to have him with her after a long week of being a part. 

Harry had had plenty of interviews and performances this week and was absolutely exhausted by them, he was glad to finally be home with his girl. Y/N was studying her final years at University but had finished for the break last week so she had this week to herself. She was happy that Harry was home now because there was nothing she loved more than being with her favorite person in the entire world.

"It's been a long week what can I say. How can you tell?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You're skins broken out a 'lil and you have bags under your eyes." Y/N traced her thumb over the bags under his eyes and placed a kiss to his left eye. 

"Are they that bad?" Harry asked, he had been doing a lot of live performances and he knew the makeup artist could only do so much to cover his physical exhaustion that appeared on his face.

"No baby but I'm your girlfriend, I notice small things about you." Harry's heart warmed at her words. "How about we get ready for bed and I give you a little self care?" 

Harry's eyes opened to look at Y/N's face that was smiling wide back at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well when I have stressful days I always do a little pamper evening. Remember when I wore that face mask and it made my face go bright red when I took it off?" Y/N reminded him.

Harry laughed at the memory. Y/N was having a bad day and so she decided on relaxing in the evening but she bought the face mask from a dodgy online store and it turned her whole face bright red with red rashes on it. Harry felt awful as he looked at her puffy red face and tried to stop her form crying the entire time.

"Baby, that's the last thing I need to help me relax." Harry says.

"No, we won't be doing those face masks. I got new ones the other day and I think you'll really like them." 

"Fine." Harry huffs. Y/N squeals and jumps off the couch, pulling him up with her. They walk up the stairs into the bathroom. 

"Oo we should take a bath too. They're very relaxing after a stressful week." 

"A bath with you?" Harry smiled and was instantly all for this pamper evening Y/N decided on introducing him to. 

It had been a long time since they'd taken a bath or a shower together since they never woke up or got ready at the same time very often so he was excited to finally have this little intimate moment with her.

"Do you mind running the bath whilst I get a few supplies?" Y/N asks him and Harry nods, grabbing the bubbles from the bathroom cupboard and turning the taps of the bath as he waited for Y/N to return.

Soon she came back with a hamper of all kinds of things. "What is all of this?" Harry wonders, looking down at all the lotions and utensils Y/N was planning on using.

"We'll get to it one at a time. Now, I have two masks blueberry mud mask or coconut?" Y/N holds them up.

"Coconut." Harry states, not really knowing what he's got himself into.

"I knew you'd like that one." Y/N smiles and so did Harry, she really did know him so well.

Y/N and Harry stood in the bathroom mirror. She was squeezing some of the blueberry mask onto her hands and showing Harry how to apply it to his face. "Do you want me to do it for you?" She asks and he nods. 

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now