uh oh baby [REQUESTED]

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Synopsis: Y/N is floating and Harry messes up

Y/N had woken up alone this morning but it wasn't an unusual occurrence. Harry was at the studio from the early hours of the morning so that he could return home in the evening to his little love.

Y/N had a long to do list for today which meant she had plenty of things to get done to keep her mind occupied from thinking too much about Harry.

She spent the entire day tidying up around the house and working on her dissertation for her final year of university. She worked through everything in a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Harry's shirts she randomly picked out from his wardrobe.

By the time the evening came around, her mind was a little hazy and things were starting to get a little cloudy.

She had called their favourite Chinese take out since it was a Friday and the whole time she lost concentration every few minutes because of how floaty she felt.

She sat down on the couch and watched her favourite cartoons, which she always found comforting when in her Subspace, as she patiently waited for daddy to arrive home.

At the sound of the engine outside, a grin covered her face as she walked to the door and watched as Harry walked into the house.

Harry had spent the entire day in the studio recording his third album. It was a little different to the previous two because this time he hadn't experience such heart break after meeting his little love, Y/N.

The album was filled with love songs and days in the sun, drinking cloudy lemonade and playing in fields of daisies - it was pretty much an entire album dedicated to Y/N and it bought him so much happiness.

However, today was a little different.

Management had called an hour into recording a new song and were drilling into Harry how much they needed the new album. Yet that wasn't what got Harry in such a bad mood.

They felt the album so far was a little too 'fluffy' and 'too happy'. They believed the whole reason Fine Line was such a success was because of the sad emotions behind many of the songs and they simply didn't believe this album would do any good without a bit of heartache in it.

After a long winded argument on the phone, Harry spent the rest of the day in the worst mood. He was snapping at Mitch when he played the wrong chord and pulling on the roots of his hair when he was asked to re-record an ad-lib.

It wasn't usual for him to be this way in the recording studio but he just couldn't understand why his management were being so funny about his happiness.

"Da-" Y/N tried to speak but Harry simply brushed past her and into the lounge where he collapses on the couch.

She follows his path and stands in the entryway, playing with her nimble fingers and pouting at him.

"Why the fuck are you watching these shitty cartoons?" Harry asks, Y/N flinching at his bad language.

There were already multiple things wrong in this situation which Harry would never do when Y/N was in Subspace.

He used bad language and he only ever spoke to her softly and sweetly to make sure she wasn't afraid.

He was angry and he promised to never be angry at her for being in Subspace because he knew how fragile of an experience it was for her - she needed all the love and support she could possibly get.

He wasn't listening to her and he wasn't looking at her. He didn't even give her a hug when he walked through the door and go Y/N this was unusual but she just didn't seem to understand when she was all floaty.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now