i remember the day when i ran out of reasons to stay (part 2)

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This is part 2 to the previous blurb I wrote :) please read that before this one.

All of this was inspired by the beautiful remake of Falling in the video ^^

Synopsis: Y/N and Harry still want each other around.

One Year Later...

Y/N had never experienced heartbreak like she did with Harry.

She thought she knew already how it felt to go from strangers to lovers and then strangers again because of the previous breakups she'd had with other people she does not like to name, but when they sat in the cafe they both adored and had spent many mornings together at with both of them holding onto each other's hand across the table as they spoke about why they had been acting the way they had, Y/N knew: that was what heartbreak was meant to feel like.

Like a literal knife hacking into the thing that made you feel the most alive.

She went through all of the things a person in love goes through when they lose the one they love the most and she felt like she had been to hell and back three times within those months. For months she had sobbed into her pillow every night and prayed to God that he could help her find a way for her to get Harry back into her life any way possible, even if they were just good friends. Because Y/N loved Harry, not for who he was a boyfriend but for who he was a person and he was Y/N's person, a person she lost and could never get back.

She missed his advice and his constant stream of support and kind words he would give her. She missed the way he would laugh at her jokes even though they weren't that funny. She missed the way he would hype her up when she was feeling ugly and how he would make her seem like the most beautiful girl in the world.

She missed his voice but she also hated hearing it.

It took her a long time to get back into her everyday routine and if it wasn't for writing music and poetry, she wouldn't be where she is today. She wouldn't be Y/N Y/L/N the successful musician she has come to be.

She released her album which was full of heartbreak and pain and friendships and love but mostly it was full of memories about Harry.

After her performance at the BRITS, Y/N had received major praise online from all around the world and was asked to perform on different talk shows in America and Australia and she even got to tour with Dua Lipa who she was actually friends with since she was friends with Harry. They never talked about him though.

Y/N never bought up the night she saw Harry at the BRITS to anybody. She thought that if she spoke about it the more she would think about it and replay it in her mind. It was the worst interaction she ever had. She'd rather have them yell at each other than to have him brush past her with his stupid smile and pretend that he was okay, pretend that what happened was alright, pretend as if they were never together and in love and living in a house together dreaming about a future and growing old like they were complete strangers and had never met before that moment.

Y/N was currently in London in the apartment she had just bought and was unpacking all of her stuff. She hadn't lived alone for a long time because her friends were too scared to let her live by herself within the past year. She felt terrible for making them feel that way but she felt so lucky to have friends who helped her get through the rough stages of life.

She put on her music and the whole flat was filled with the sounds of Fleetwood Mac. If it had been a year prior to this, she wouldn't have been able to listen to the song 'Landslide' without bursting into tears but she smiled when the song came onto the speakers and sang along to the sweet melody, thinking about the time where life didn't seem to be so painful.

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