can i have gucci please? [REQUESTED]

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Requested by @ARandom1DHoe

I hope you enjoy!

Synopsis: A trip to the opticians and a lot of love from Harry

Y/N had been having problems with her eye sight for a while now and things were slowly becoming more and more blurry the more she tried to focus on things. Harry found it adorable the way she would squint her eyes to look at things but at the same time it was unbearable spending every night soothing her head aches with head massages and forcing her to swallow pills when needed.

He had been trying to get her to book an appointment at the opticians for the past few weeks but she refused each time. She didn't want to have to wear glasses all the time like she knew she would have to if she went to the opticians.

Her sight really was getting bad but wearing glasses didn't seem like an option with how self conscious she felt.

"Where are we going?" She wonders, looking out the window of the car Harry was driving.

He randomly woke her up this morning and told her to get dressed, saying he had somewhere to take her. She assumed they were going on a date or maybe out for breakfast but Harry had no plans on telling her until they got there.

"It's a surprise," Harry says, his eyes focused on the road ahead with one hand on the stirring wheel and the other holding Y/N's between them.

"Well will it be a good one?" Y/N asks.

"Um, I guess that's up to you to decide." He murmurs, trying to ignore the guilt he felt for lying to her.

By the time they pulled up, Y/N was hungry and ready to eat but when she looked up at the building in front of her, her heart dropped and she got back into the car and strapped herself into her seat with her seatbelt.

"Baby, please come out." Harry knocked on the window, wanting to get inside before any paparazzi came.

She pouted and crossed her arms, glaring at her boyfriend, "I can't believe you bought me here when I told you I don't need glasses."

"Bubs, we don't have to buy glasses if you don't want to but I just want to see if you need them. Your headaches have been getting bad and I know you've been tearing up about them in the bathroom without trying to tell me..." His heart aches as he thinks back to when she was hiding in the bathroom and crying over how much her head ached from squinting too much.

She looked down at her shoes and contemplated whether or not to go in. She knew he had her best interests at heart and how much it hurt him to see her in pain every evening and he was right, she didn't need to buy glasses today but it never hurt to check.

Huffing, she opened the door and took his hand, "Fine." She said, pouting as they walked into the opticians.

"That's my girl." He whispers, kissing the top of her head.

Y/N was called in twenty minutes later and Harry walked in right beside her. She sat down opposite the optician and Harry immediately grabbed her hand and held it in his lap.

After the test, Y/N had yet to say anything as she was handed the papers and told to pick out glasses. She was told she needed two types of glasses, a pair to wear everyday and one to wear when reading. 

"Should we get going?" Harry asked, knowing she didn't want to pick out any glasses.

He was upset that she had made this decision considering how bad her eye sight actually was. The optician said that if she didn't come in today, her eye sight would get even worst which Harry didn't even think was possible.

I love him H.S imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now