an apology [REQUESTED]

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this is unedited :p

Synopsis: Gangleader Harry messes up in front of Y/N.

Today was not a good day for Harry.

He had had it with the group of men and women who were under his control.

It started off at the early hours of the morning where he was pulled from his blissful sleep lying next to his angel and was told three people related to the gang were arrested for carrying fire arms and illegal drugs.

He then had to try and get them out which meant coming up with a quick way to divert the police and bring the boys back to safety underground.

So one big car chase and multiple fired guns later, Harry was stood in front of the three men who were caught in the act and screaming at them for getting caught in the first place.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" He screams, getting up right in there face just to make them even more uncomfortable. "You've been told multiple times to not deal in that area where it's a hot spot for the pigs and yet you went and did it anyway!"

The boy shuddered, he looked about seventeen but it didn't matter to Harry. He was too blinded by the rage they had bought him when they decided to go against his rules.

"You should count yourself lucky that I'm not putting bullets into your thick skulls!" He continues to scream.

Many people had gathered into the room at this rate, wanting to see the action go down after the rumours went round about what had happened.

"W-We didn't mean it Mr Styles." One of the boys whimpered.

Harry's head whipped in the direction of his voice and his eyes turned dark. He stood straight, pulling on the collar of his shirt and cracking his neck, walking over to him slowly. His boots clicked against the ground with each step he took.

"I'm sorry, did I ask you to speak?" He leaned forward.

The boy shook his head, a small whimper leaving his mouth. Harry was never one to hurt someone so young and inexperienced but he was feeling so much anger today and it overcome him in a way he hadn't experienced before.

"So why the fuck were you speaking!?" He yelled, a vein appearing on the side of his neck.

He grabbed his gun from the waistband of his jeans, taking off the safety and pointing it at the boy.

The seventeen year old boy started to tear up and the room had gone entirely silent. No one had seen Harry like this before and they were certainly scared of this side to him.

"I'm going to count to three and you're going to give me three good reasons as to why I shouldn't put a bullet in your hand so you never get the chance to deal anything in a police infiltrated area ever again." His voice was scary, enough to make the boys heart sink to the bottom of his chest.

"One." He starts, placing his finger on the trigger.

"I-I'm sorry Mr Styles, I-I didn't mean it-"

"Two." He spoke, adding more pressure to the trigger.

The boy struggled in his restraints wanting nothing more than to break free and escape this hell, "M-Mr Styles I promise I'll do better-"

"Three." Harry muttered, pulling the trigger and shooting the boy straight in the thigh.

The screams echoed across the room, some people even having to look away. Having a bullet in the thigh wasn't the worst punishment they could receive but the boy was young and the gang promised to protect their young members from harm until they were ready to face it head on.

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