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"Oh, my god. Casey? Casey, wake up! Come on, wake up!" I heard some yell, but it was all faint and sounded distorted to me. "Dad!"

"She's got a cut on her head." I heard someone else say.

"The guys, they-they did something to her. They took her blood, a sample for some kind of experiment, I don't know. Stiles, I'm not making this up. I swear!" I think I heard Malia say, and someone picked me up, making me whine.

"Casey? Hey, can you hear me?" I think Scott said.

"S-Scott?" I stammered, trying to open my eyes and succeeding on the fifth try. "Ow, my head." I winced, bringing my hand up to it, and I felt something wet. Blood probably.

I try to get out of his arms, but he kept a tight grip on me.

"Stiles, bring her to the hospital. She might have a concussion." I heard my dad say, and I wanted to fight him on it, but I was too out of it.

"I hate hospitals," I mumbled, making Scott chuckle.


"I'm fine, Melissa. I can walk." I said when she wheeled me back over to my brother after getting checked out. So luckily, I don't have a concussion, but I am banged up a little, so they gave me some painkillers, and I'm on bed rest. But am I going to listen? Probably not.

"I had to help you get out of bed. You need rest. And no walking!" She told me when we got to my brother and our friends, and I groaned in annoyance.

"Stiles." She said when we approached them.

"How bad is it?" He asked, referring to Lydia.

Wow. Your little sister is literally right here. I got hurt too. Am I suddenly invisible?

"Could have been worse. Theo, nice going on that tourniquet. You probably saved her life." She complimented him. "All right. She's about to go into surgery. So it's going to be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about, or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?"

"It was the tail." Kira suddenly said, and I honestly don't even remember seeing a tail on Tracy, but whatever.

"Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Scott piped up, and that's when I noticed him and Liam.

"Great. It's Jackson all over again." I groaned once more, holding my head.

"Okay. But on another note, Casey's fine, but she's a little banged up. We gave her some painkillers for the headache, and she needs rest until she can walk properly." She said, and I smile at her innocently.

"I'm fine. See?" I got up much to her dismay, and that's when my knees buckled, and I fell, but I felt arms quickly catch me, and I gasped when I felt these sparks on my bare skin.

"You were saying?" I heard Theo ask, and I look up to see that it was him who caught me. Theo placed me back in the wheelchair, and I huffed.

"But it wasn't just Tracy. There were the others." Malia said, and I felt goosebumps appear on me when I thought of them. "The guys in the masks."

"Oh, you mean the creepy metal doctors who stole some of my blood and injected mercury into Tracy, ultimately killing her?" I asked Malia. "Yeah, they were real."

"You blacked out. How would you know?" Stiles asked me, and I pull my hair back.

"Because I saw them do it. And I have this on me." I showed them the small bruise the needle left behind, wincing when Stiles touched it. "Don't touch it, you sick bitch. It hurts." I slapped his hand away from my neck.

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