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"Oh, my god," I whispered when I saw the bloody tools on a tray in an open room, and it had to be Lydia's because it was empty. I look over, having a small feeling that my brother came this way, and I ignored the melted gate.

I suddenly fell into the wall, feeling a little out of it because of the mountain ash. Even though I got through it, which is impossible, it's still making me weak.

"You can do this, Casey." I get off the wall, and I ran down the hall, trying to find my brother or any sign of Lydia, but there were none.

"How did you get in here?" I turn around to see one of the orderlies, and I started to stammer.

"Um, I, you have a really bad security system," I said, and the man looked at me sadistically, and I noticed the needle he took out of his pocket. "You know, I'll just show myself out."

"There's no need for that." He said, and I stepped back from him, but he grabbed me, throwing me up against the wall. I cry out when he jams the needle into my neck, and just as he was about to inject its contents into me, I heard this loud growl that made me shiver, and he was ripped away from me.

"Casey!" I look up to see my older brother grabbing me and taking out the needle.

"Stiles," I wrap my arms around him, and he was shocked because I was acting harshly to him before, but he got over it and hugged me back. I look over his shoulder and see Theo beating the hell out of the orderly, one step away from killing him.

"Theo!" I let go of Stiles, and before he could protest, I grabbed Theo's hand to stop him from striking the knocked out orderly. He looked up at me, his eyes softening when they met mine. Almost immediately, he pulled me into his embrace, breathing in my scent to calm himself down.

"I'm okay. It's okay." I whispered, feeling his claws disappear, and I'm sure that his teeth went back to normal.

"What the hell are you doing down here? How did you get past the mountain ash?" Theo asked me when he finally calmed down, and I look up at him.

"Stiles, I could feel he was in danger, and I just- I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that part out myself." I said, and he brushed my hair aside, looking at the prick in my neck from the needle. "I'm fine."

"I heard you scream. And honestly, it scared the hell out of me." He told me, and I could tell that he was telling the truth. He was scared for me.

"Uh, guys? Hate to break this up, not really, but Lydia?" Stiles reminded us, and I pull away from Theo.

"Right," I go to follow him when Theo grabbed my hand, causing me to look at him.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight." He said, and I felt a light blush paint my cheeks as we walked down the hall.

"Stiles, wait!" I said to my brother when we finally caught up to him.

"I want her out too. I've got her scent." Theo said, and my brother looked at him like he had something to hide.

"What do you want?"

"What's the difference? I can find her. You can't." He said, and I roll my eyes at the two. I glance over when I hear running water, and the boys look at the door too. Theo opened the door, and almost immediately, hands were on my eyes, and my face was red.

The door led to the men's showers, and there was a good amount of them in there, and luckily they had towels at least. I could hear shuffling around me as Theo helped guide me but kept his hand on my eyes.

"It leads to the tunnels, doesn't it?" I heard Theo say.

"There's miles of them." I heard my brother say. "They could be anywhere by now."

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