I Trust You

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"Okay, it's official. I like Theo," Jocelyn said as I put my books in my locker.

"Jocelyn!" I say in shock.

"What? The guy took you out for ice cream to cheer you up, he made Lyle leave you alone, and he also opened the doors for you. And that woman thought you guys were a couple. I like you and Liam, but you and Theo? I've seen you look at each other, and it's like love at first sight. Besides, you are kindreds. You can't ignore the bond forever." She said, fixing the strap on her bag.

"Uh, I can, and I will. Watch me." I told her, and that's when I saw my boyfriend.

"Liam, hey! Do you want to hang out later tonight? We'll have the house to ourselves. So Stiles won't be barging in every few minutes." I said, but he didn't look too interested in talking to me.

"I've got a family thing later. So maybe next time?" He said, and I tried not to look so disappointed.

"Okay, so how about tomorrow? Are you free the-"

"Not right now, Casey!" He suddenly snapped at me. "Just leave me alone." He then ran off, and I felt hurt by his harsh tone, but I tried to play it off like I was fine.

"You okay?" Jocelyn asked me, and I fake smiled at her.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I said, even though I was wondering why he was acting like that.

"I've caught him staring at Hayden multiple times in class, and Mason has seen it too. And they've been hate flirting. I'm sorry, Casey, but it was never going to work out between you two." She told me honestly, not wanting to hurt my feelings. And deep down, I knew that she was right. I just didn't want it to be.

"No. No, we'll work it out. Liam's the one I want to be with, not Theo. He's just a friend." I said, and she groaned.

"Why are you so goddamn stubborn?" She asked as we walked to class. "Casey, I love you, you're like my sister, and as your sister, I'm telling you that you will never be happy. You're suffering, and Liam doesn't seem to care. He didn't even talk to you after you randomly had a panic attack yesterday. I told him about it, and it was like he didn't even care. Casey, if Liam loved you, he would have been there for you. Instead, it was Theo."

"I honestly don't even want to talk about it anymore, Jocelyn," I told her, finally having enough.

"Fine. But my advice, go to Theo. He's your perfect match, and he cares for you. Don't let someone like that slip away." She told me, and I fiddled with my ring, thinking about what she said. I felt eyes on me, so I look over and see Theo with Scott, and his eyes locked onto mine, making me stop in my tracks. I felt my heart race as we looked at each other, and I wanted to feel the sparks that I do when we touch. It seemed so wrong yet so right at the same time.

"Casey?" Jocelyn waved her hand in front of my face. She turned to see who I was looking at, and that's when Scott did the same thing. "Predictable. I told you so." Jocelyn said with a smirk. "Oh, come on!" I yelped when she grabbed my hand and pulled me along to class.

Stupid bond.


"My mom's book club usually has more wine," Lydia said as we all gathered around to read the book that made Malia remember a certain memory she didn't want to and almost get killed by traffic. Luckily Firass was there to get her out of the way before she became roadkill.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." My brother said, and I pick up the book that belonged to Tracy, reading the description on the back.

"That's why Malia's here," Scott said.

"Yeah, so none of us become roadkill," I said, and Stiles rolled his eyes.

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