Hazel Eyes

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"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury. Also expensive." My brother listed as he talked about apartments for him and Scott when they graduate and go off to college.

"What about Berkeley?" Scott asked him. "Don't a lot of students live around there?"

"Yeah, yeah, we could try Nob Hill. But, the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches." He said as he looked over the map.

"You're bringing the Jeep?" Scott asked him, and I started to laugh, kicking his leg with my foot as the both of us sat on the hood of the car.

"Scott, the day my brother parts with this Jeep is the day he dies. Literally." I said, and Stiles rolled his eyes at me.

"You know the plan, okay. No one gets left behind. That's the plan. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF. Malia's, uh, gonna, you know, she'll figure something out, okay. The plan's perfect." He said.

"Or we could also wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live," Scott said, actually having some common sense while my brother is just skipping ahead.

"Scott's right, big brother. You guys have time. I mean, school hasn't even started yet." I point out, and Scott agreed with me.

Stiles points at me, "Shut up." I stick my tongue out at him, and he turns back to Scott. "I have a vision, dude, okay? And it's a beautiful vision. Don't ruin the vision. Okay, we can check out the East Bay. Haven't looked at Oakland yet, you know." He said, but Scott wasn't even listening. He was too busy looking up at the sky, getting lost in thought.

"You all right? You starting to feel it?" My brother asked him.

"No. Just thinking."

"About what?" I asked him, and he looked at us.

"Senior year."

"Senior year, come on, that's, that's... That's nothing. That's going to be easy." Stiles said, thinking he was overthinking it.

"It's more like something Deaton once told me. You ever hear of regression to the mean?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Who hasn't?" I asked them, and my brother raised his hand.

"Well, it's basically his way of saying that life can't ever be all bad or all good. You know, eventually, things have to come back to the middle. So, think about the last few months. Things have been good, right? But not amazing."

"Yeah, but no one's tried to kill us in six months either," Stiles said.

"Right. We've been pretty much in the middle for a while. Which means, at some point, the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are gonna get really good again..."

"Or really bad."

"I swear to god if one of you jinx it, I will hunt you down and electrocute you until you're unconscious," I said, not wanting to have to deal with another supernatural threat, and thunder boomed throughout; lightning striking in the sky.

"Think it's been long enough?" My brother asked us.

"Yes!" I giggled when I heard my boyfriend's voice behind us, and I see him still chained up to the tree where we left him since it's a full moon tonight.

"Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation over here." Stiles told him.

"All right, you're two years older than me. And Casey's the same age as me." He said since I was part of the adult conversation.

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