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"Jocelyn, I honestly don't want to go to Sinema with you guys tonight. And I definitely don't want to talk about these chimeras as Scott's calling them." I said, grabbing my books from my locker.

"Okay, fine. Liam's gone, so now we can talk. What's going on with you and Theo?" She asked me, and I froze.

"W-What? Nothing! We're just friends." I said, but I felt unsure of myself.

"Yeah, that sounds so convincing." She said sarcastically. "Case, I know you, and I know something's bothering you. What's going on?"

"I don't know, Jocelyn," I said, shutting my locker, and we went to go outside. "I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it was nothing, but yesterday when our hands touched, I felt electricity running through me, almost like a spark. I just assumed it was my powers acting up, but he felt it too, and I feel these sparks. I don't know. It's like there's this invisible tether pulling me to him. I feel crazy."

"I don't think you're crazy, Case. But maybe this has something to do with what you are? Check your grandma's journals. There might be something in there." She suggested to me, and I smiled.

"You might be right. On another topic, how are you and Brett?" I asked her, and she started to blush.

"I really like him, Casey. I know he was an asshole at first, but I got to know him, and honestly, I don't just like him, I love him, but I don't know how to tell him." She rushed out all at once.

"That's amazing! Look, Jocelyn, I know you are not one to back down from anything. You can do this. There's no way he doesn't feel the same way. I mean, he even calls you firefly, which is so cute." I said to her, and she smiled nervously.

"Thanks, but I'm so nervous! What was it like when you and Liam first said "I love you" to each other?" She asked me.

"Well, it was last month, but we were in his room watching a movie, and when he paused it, he said he had to tell me something, and I said the same, so at the same time, we both told each other how we really felt. You can do this, Jocelyn." I assured her, and she nodded.

"I hope. If not, then please just kill me." She said dramatically, and I chuckled, causing her to glare at me, and I laughed even more.


"I wonder what I'll find in you," I muttered when I fished my grandmother's journal out of my dresser. It was the one Satomi gave me that my grandmother gave to her to hold on to for me, so it's obviously more important than the others. I wonder why?

Hartley jumps up on my bed and sits down next to me. I run my fingers through his fur, and he barks in approval, rolling over a bit.

"I love you too, boy." I smiled at him, scratching his belly for him before opening up the journal, skipping through the beginning of it since it wasn't what I was looking for, and I kept flipping through the pages until I came upon one page that had to do with what I was going through.

December 18th, 1964

For the past week, I've been having dreams. Dreams, I know. They're not that big of a deal to me usually, but the one I've been having is recurring. Every night I dream of this boy who is quite tall with messy dark brown hair and these beautiful honey brown eyes. Those eyes are what stick out to me in the dreams. I haven't decided if I should tell anyone about this yet, but it's probably nothing. Dreams are just dreams. That's all for tonight. If I have any more dreams of this boy, you'll be the first to know.

So my grandmother had these same dreams, but of who? And why? I don't understand why I was getting these dreams. But now that I think about it, I haven't had one in a while.

I went to the next page and started to read the next entry.

December 19th, 1964

He's real! I can't believe he's real! Today I went to my new school in Beacon Hills, and I was so lost. I bumped into someone while I was looking at my schedule, and that's when it happened. A pair of arms caught me, and a ton of electrifying sparks went through my body, but it didn't hurt. Nor was it me. I looked up and made eye contact with a very familiar pair of eyes. The second we looked at each other, it was like time stopped, and the only two people around were us. When one of us finally found the courage to speak, he asked for my name, and I told him. His name was strange but unique to me, so I just called him M. I wonder what this means for the two of us?

I flipped to the next page, eager to read more about this.

December 20th, 1964

I talked to my parents about M today. I told them all about him. I also ended up telling them that I dreamt of him the week before. And you won't believe what they told me. They told me he was my kindred spirit.

Hold up, didn't Jocelyn mention something about a kindred spirit to me once? But that was a while ago.

I remember reading about it in one of my grandmother's mothers' journals, but I thought it was just a myth. For every silver-eyed elemental, we have something called a kindred spirit. They're our other half, and we're not complete without them. They level us out and can calm us down with just a single touch. In some cases, we'll meet by chance when we're younger. And I know first hand that what I read was true. We had an instant connection the second we met, and I couldn't get him out of my head. Besides, I can feel the bond pulling me towards him. I can't control what I'm feeling, but I know that I'm not scared. My dreams showed me that I was going to meet him, and I did. After that, I haven't had a dream since. I just hope he won't hate me when I tell him the truth.

"Oh, my god," I said in absolute shock after what I read, and I scrambled for my phone, dialing Jocelyn's number.

"Hey, bitch! What's up?" She asked me, shouting over the music.

"I read the journal, and you won't believe what I just found," I told her.

"You took my advice? Sweet! Look, can I call you later? The music is way too loud!" She told me.

"But Joce-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because she hung up on me.


I went to call her again when I suddenly got this awful feeling. I felt fear and disgust running through me.



"Stiles!" I said when I heard him in his room. I ran in to see him stressed out and upset.

"Oh, my god, are you okay? I felt that you were in danger, and I-" I was cut off by him throwing his arms around me and breaking down. I felt my heart break at the sound of his sobs, and I just hugged him as hard as I could.

"Donovan's dead." He strangled out. "He attacked me at the library- he was a chimera. His hand had these teeth and, he got impaled by a metal pole, mercury spilled from his mouth, and I just- It wasn't my fault. I swear, I didn't mean it." Stiles swore to me, and I believed him.

"I believe you. And I'm here for you. It's okay. I believe you." I said, and he clung to me, and I felt my own tears start to fall in response to his. I know that he still feels guilty about what he did when the nogitsune was possessing him, and now this just makes it even worse.

"We're gonna figure this out. I promise." I said, and we're going to. He's not going to be alone in this because what he did was self-defense. I know he didn't mean for any of this to happen, but it did. And I am not letting him hate himself over it. Not a chance.

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