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"What do you mean, no?" Liam asked him, getting up from the floor and facing him.

"Liam, look at her. She's too weak. It will kill her. We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it is actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life." He said.

"It saved mine."

"You know, that was different. You were hanging off a ledge."

"You promised. You said you'd do everything you could."

"Which is why he's not going to do something if he thinks it might kill her. Which it would." I spoke up, and Liam looked at me with a glare.

"There has to be... There has to..." Scott started to wheeze, and I realized he was about to have an asthma attack.

"Scott." Theo stood up, fishing something out of his pocket, and tossed it to him. In the light, I could see that it was an inhaler, and Scott shook it before taking a puff.

"There's another way to save her," Scott tells him, and I'm thinking medical-wise.

"There is. Casey." Liam looked back at me. "Last year, you saved Derek. You brought him back to life. You can do the same with Hayden."

"That's the thing, I can't," I said. "I sort of figured out how that works. I have to care to be able to save them. I have to feel something strong for them. Derek is like family to me, and I couldn't lose someone else. I barely know Hayden."

"You have to try." He growled, coming near me, and Theo got in between.

"Calm down. She collapsed earlier from using her abilities. She can't. She's not strong enough, and she told you she has to feel something towards Hayden. It won't work. And especially after what you said and did to her, she's still willing to help you. But we need to do something soon because it looks like she might not make it."


"Casey, are you sure you don't want me to check you out? You look pale." Melissa said to me, and I nodded.

"Yeah. Hayden needs more help than I do." I told her, and she smiled at me. The boys were currently out in the front talking, and we finally convinced Liam to rest his eyes.

"You know, I knew your grandmother. She used to babysit me. That woman was so kind and selfless. I remember how one day we got into a car accident when she was taking me to school, and she turned out to be worse than me, but your grandmother looked right into the paramedic's eyes told him to take care of me before her no matter what. And then she died to save you." Melissa tells me, and I look down. "She would have loved you. When I found out, I couldn't help but see her in you. You have the same fire she had."

"It seems that everyone knew her except for me. Hell, I even just found out that I have a great aunt named Coralia. And a cousin who has been after me since I got here but recently made amends with. It's so surreal. I mean, I find out I have more family and this kindred spirit."

"Come again?" She asked me, and I chuckled.

"A week before the start of the new school year, I was getting these dreams of this guy, but I could only remember his eyes. I read one of my grandmother's journals and found out that she went through the same thing. Kindred spirits are like soul mates- We're each other's perfect half. They help keep us in control since we can get out of hand sometimes. We're supposed to be like yin and yang. Jocelyn told me about this three years ago. We thought it was a myth until it wasn't." I explained to her as she checked out Hayden.

"So you know who it is? Wait," she stops for a second, glancing at the door as she put the pieces together. "I knew something was going on at the hospital that one day."

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