You Saved Me

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No. No, she can't die on me. Like hell am I letting this girl die. I drive faster, hoping that I would get to Scott's in time. Casey said she could heal with water, so I hope that will save her.

Ever since I got here, I just felt drawn to her. I found myself thinking about her more, how I wanted to feel her skin against mine. How I just wanted to kiss her. Every time I saw her with Liam, it took all I had in me not to rip out his throat.

Casey's different. While I was darkness, she just had this light in her. She made me want to be good, but I know she'll think differently of me once she finds out. She's so kind, and brave, and loyal. She's special. And I can't lose her before I even get a chance with her.

I suddenly heard her heartbeat slow as I approached Scott's, and I look at her to see her eyes closed.

"Casey!" I yelled, and I stopped the car, getting out and not even caring to shut the door as I went to the other side and got her out before running her inside.

"Jocelyn! Lydia!" I shouted with Casey in my arms, and they gasped when they saw her, but I didn't care. I went past them and ran upstairs into the nearest bathroom, which was Scott's, and I start up the shower.

With her still in my arms, I take us both in the shower, not caring if I got wet or not as her breathing suddenly stilled and her heartbeat came to a stop, and what I was dreading the most sounded throughout the house.

"CASEY!" I heard Lydia screech, and I shook my head, cupping her cheek.

"No! Casey, wake up! Come on, wildflower, open your eyes. Please, just open your eyes." I begged her, feeling like a part of me just died with her.

"Please. I can't lose you. Casey." I whispered, my eyes filling up with tears because I knew that she was gone. The one girl who made me want to be a better person, to change, and she's gone.

I cried out in anguish, slamming my fist into the tiled wall, feeling my heart break as I held her dead body, the water washing off her blood, but it wasn't healing her as it should have.

"Oh, my god." I think I heard Jocelyn say as she let out a sob herself, and I cried for the girl who was slowly making me better. Who made me feel like I was actually worth something. I ignored the water falling on me still. I couldn't get up; I couldn't move. I just sat there holding Casey in my arms as I sobbed.

"Theo, look." I suddenly heard Lydia say, and through my teary eyes, I look up at Casey, thinking I would just see her lifeless face. But instead, I saw these silver wisps trail along her skin, a silver glow began to show up on her body, and her necklace started to glow as well.

The silver glow trailed along her body, miraculously healing her right before my eyes, and I was in complete shock. The light suddenly dimmed, her necklace along with it, and I look at Casey.

"Casey?" I whisper, brushing her wet hair out of her face when she suddenly gasped awake, and I felt relief flood through me when I saw her beautiful honey-brown orbs once more.

She started coughing a bit, trying to catch her breath, and without thinking, I brought her into my arms, holding her close to me as I breathed in her scent.

"Theo?" She said, making my ears perk up, and I look at her.

"You're okay," I said, feeling so vulnerable at that moment. She may not know it, but she's my weak spot. She's the only person who's made me feel this way, and I refuse to let her go.

Casey reached her hand up shakily, and with the pad of her thumb, she wiped away my tears, placing her hand on my cheek. I relished in the fact that I could feel the sparks between the two of us again. A connection to her. And it just felt like we were the only two people in that room.

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