The Bite

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"Stiles!" I said when I found him in the library with Theo, and he looked at me like I was crazy when I ran over.

"You shouldn't be running." He scolds me.

"I shouldn't even be here. Look, something has been bothering me since, you know." I said, and he knew what I was talking about without me having to say it.

"What about it?" He asked me.

"They kept mentioning a name. Celestine." I said.

"Who's that?" Theo asked me, and I glance at him.

"That's the name they kept calling me. But I recognized it. Celestine Mercier." I said, and Stiles's eyes widen.

"Mercier? As in-"

"Our ancestor? Yeah. She was the very first silver-eyed elemental. The necklace I wear was once hers. So somehow, they obviously knew her. And I think I know why they took my blood. They kept saying they wanted to revive something. I think, if used the right way, my blood could do that." I tell him, and he shook his head.

"And you lost me."

"Stiles, I'm serious. Deaton once told me that life and energy literally course through me because I'm connected to the earth and the elementals. I never understood, but this is what he meant. What if we're not just special because of our powers, but because we can give back life." I said, and Theo looked at me.

"How?" He asked me.

"Well, last year Derek died, and I ended up crying like crazy. And one of my tears fell on his cheek, then this silver glow appeared. Derek and I both see each other like family, so maybe that's the key."

"You have to care about them for it to work." My brothers concluded, and I nod.

"Right you are. But now I just need to figure out how they know Celestine and why they called me that." I said, and that's when I heard my name get called.

"Argent!" I look over and see Paisley coming my way, and I groaned.

"Paisley, if you're going to insult me then-"

"Can we talk?" She asked me in a calm voice, not in her annoying one.

"And why would I do that?" I asked her.

"Please," she begs me, and I gave in.

"Fine. I'll see you two later." I said to the boys before following after Paisley, and she took me into the girls' locker room.

"Okay, so what is this about?" I asked her, and I was shocked next when she hugged me. "Paisley?"

"Sorry. I just- I wanted to apologize." She said, pulling back. "I haven't been fair to you, and looking back at all the things I've done, I was wrong. But I'm really sorry about what Liam did to you. I may not be a big fan of you, but even I know that what he did wasn't cool."

"Thanks. But why the change of heart all of a sudden?" I asked her, and she looked me in the eyes before hers glowed a blood-red, shocking me.

"I knew you were like me from the start, and then five days ago, I felt something die. It was awful. I didn't know until the other day, but apparently, my grandmother knew yours." She said.

"How?" I asked her, and she bit her lip.

"They were sisters. My grandmother's name is Coralia, she was Cordelia's older sister. Look, you don't have to believe me, but my Gran is the only family I have left, and to find out that I have more is a little shocking, to say the least. But I think she can give you the answers you're looking for. You don't have to trust me, and I get why you wouldn't, but I'm not lying about this." She said, and it looked like she was telling the truth, but I didn't know if I could believe her or not.

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