Mon Amour

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"You look pissed," Paisley said as I took out my weapons, spreading them across my bed.

"What gave you that idea?" I asked her, and she gave a look that said 'really'. "Okay, I am. One of my friends turns out to be the Beast, and Corey whisks him away like an idiot. Yeah, like the chameleon can keep him safe."

"Casey, I get that you're mad, but calm down." She told me, and I look at her.

"I'm beyond mad, Paisley. But I'm scared. I'm scared that the Dread Doctors will find Mason, and then they'll come after me because they want me alive for some reason. And I don't care to be a part of their sick plan." I said, turning around and loading my gun. "That's why I'm preparing myself."

"Just don't do anything stupid, okay? Last year I would have let you get yourself killed for being stupid. But you're my cousin, Casey. You and Stiles are my blood, and family means the world to me after I lost my parents. I'm just looking out for you." She said, and I sighed.

"I'm glad that you want to look out for me, Paisley, but I'll be fine. I have to get to Scott's. Pass me my keys?" I asked her, turning back around, and I went to take them, but she stopped me.

"I'm coming with you." She decided.


"I'm coming with you. I'm a Mercier too, Casey, so you know just how stubborn we can be. I'm coming with you." She said again, standing her ground, and I admired that about her. She's definitely a Mercier.

"Fine. Let's go." I said, and she handed me my keys so we could leave.


"Our dad's got an APB out..."

"For a 5'8" sixteen-year-old?" Kira asked my brother.

"Actually, my dear brother here recommended nine-foot tall rampaging werewolf." I corrected for them.

"It still might not be him," Liam said in denial.

"Is he for real?" Jocelyn asked. "I didn't think you were this dumb."

"Liam, the shoes were in his car. It's him." Paisley piped up.

"Hayden's at the school looking."

"I can keep checking the woods," Malia said, and I glance over at the invisible boy who hasn't made himself known yet. I take out one of my daggers, deciding to mess with him.

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county." We all turned around to see Scott. "We can find him."

"What happens then?" Liam asked him.

"We figure out how to save him."

"Okay. Where else do we look?" Lydia asked, and I knew by then he found Corey next to him.

"Let's ask Corey." He looked over and reached out, grabbing him, and everyone jumped.

"Finally! I was waiting for you to do that." I said with a light chuckle, and my brother looked at me in disbelief.

"Wait. Wait. It's not my fault. They took him, and I couldn't do anything." He rushed out. "They took him..."


"The Dread Doctors."


"How stupid are we to be doing this?" Liam asked Scott, and I roll my eyes.

"We're not stupid. We're desperate." He said in response.

"And it's also why you have me." I piped up.

"How desperate?"

"Incredibly desperate." He replied, opening the door, and I saw Theo and Tracy, and I narrowed my eyes at the pair. I don't like Tracy, and I definitely don't like her alone with my boyfriend.

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