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"You're kidding. I thought it was a myth!" Jocelyn exclaimed after I showed her my grandmother's journal.

"Well, apparently it's not," I said, leaning up against my locker. "But Jocelyn, it explains everything. She had the same dreams too before she met M, and his eyes were what stuck out to her. I guess it was my grandfather."

"What now?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what are you going to do? Be with Liam or be with Theo." She said, and I shook my head. Leaving Liam wasn't even an option.

"No way. I love Liam, not him. I'm not leaving my boyfriend just because someone I barely know is my soulmate or something." I said stubbornly, and she sighed.

"Casey, the pull is going to bring you two together. You can't fight this." She told me, and I take back my grandmother's journal.

"Well, I'm going to. I can't-"

"Hey, Casey." My heart stopped when I heard his voice, and I swear I was about to throw up or something as all the color drained from my face. I turn around to see Lyle standing there with a knowing smirk on his face, and I got flashbacks to last year.

My dad called his parents and wanted him to pay for what he did, but sadly both of his parents are lawyers, and even though I had bruises and cuts on me, they believed their son. They said I was making it up to get attention.

"Lyle. What are you doing here?" Jocelyn asked, and he took his eyes off me.

"Oh, my parents and I moved closer to their job, so I go here now. Isn't that great?" He asked me, but I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Yeah, um, I... Can you excuse me, please?" I said, and I slam my locker door shut before walking away as fast as I could, running into the locker room, and I fell to the ground.

I felt my throat close up as tears brimmed my eyes, and I was trying to calm down, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"Casey!" I look up and see Scott coming near me with Theo. "Hey, what's wrong? Is this a panic attack?"

"I-I can't... He's here." I cried, and he shushed me.

"Hey, it's okay. Just breathe." He said, and I flinched when he touched me.

"Don't touch her." I think I heard Theo say. "Casey, calm down. Look at me. Deep breaths, okay? Follow me." He said, and I look up at him to see him demonstrating. "Keep looking at me." He said, and I followed his movements, doing what he asked until I calmed down, and I wipe away my tears.

"What happened?" Scott asked me softly, and I play with my charm bracelet.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. No one is going to believe me anyway." I said. I never told anyone or even Jocelyn about what happened that night. I was too scared, and I felt ashamed of myself. I was ashamed of myself that I let it happen. That I let it go that far.

Liam has a pretty good idea about what happened, but I could never bring myself to tell him. Only Derek, Braeden, my dad, and my brother know. And Scott's mom since my dad had me go to her to get checked out.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked me again.

"Nothing. Just nothing." I muttered, not being able to tell him either. I felt disgusted. Six months later and I could still feel his touch on me. "I have to go. I have class." I said, getting up from the floor, and I felt a bit dizzy.

"Whoa, careful." Theo steadied me, and I felt sparks shoot through my body.

"I'm fine, wolfy," I said, calling him by his nickname, which confused the hell out of Scott, but he didn't mention it.

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